Oh friends, I’ve been busy! There were about 150 boxes delivered to my new school, and I’ve been slowly and steadily unpacking and sorting trying to get my new room ready. We don’t start until after labor day, but I know I’ll feel SO much better when all my boxes are unpacked! I picked up some FABULOUS new fabric yesterday, and I can’t wait to start decorating!
My Christmas in July sale for today and tomorrow is kind of a hodge podge of a few items:

First up, my CVC kits. These are PERFECT for small group, whole group, centers, or independent work. There are so many different types of activities included in these jam packed units. U is on the way, I promise! It’s been put on the back burner for WAAAYYYY too long!!

These FANTASTIC sliders are also included for each letter. I use these in both whole group and small group lessons. The children LOVE these! They are great for a lesson or if you only have a few minutes and need something to fill the time!

I include some sort of game in each pack as well – slap jack (short a) is a proven favorite!

Here is some of what is included. The games are different each pack, but the foundational activities are all the same. Lots of hands on, FUN learning!

The next set of units that are on sale are my word work packs. I LOVE to do sorts in my classroom, and I LOVE easy prep, and these packs include BOTH of those. I DO plan to complete the series and have one for each month! I will also make them for first grade!

Yes, February is missing…here’s the story….my dad was diagnosed with bile duct cancer last September. (One of the reasons why I wasn’t posting so much last year). He had surgery to remove the cancer and was doing well with his chemo. He went in for a routine heart check in January, and then proceeded to have TEN heart attacks. Oh boy. Thank goodness he was in the hospital, otherwise he would not be here today. Fast forward to yesterday. He went to the Mayo Clinic to go through all the checks and scans, and he is CANCER FREE. SO HAPPY. So, here’s to hoping that this year is SO much smoother than last year!

and finally, I have put my dramatic play packs on sale! I know so many of you have told me that you have been forced to take our your dramatic play centers from your Kindergarten rooms, and that makes me SO sad. I am so fortunate that I am still able to have 30-45 minutes of FREE CHOICE play everyday! However, I know some children still love to learn during play time, so I started making these dramatic play packs, and they LOVE them!

There are SO many things included in these packs: math and literacy games, vocabulary cards, emergent sentences to read, recording sheets, and so on. I hope you check them out!

Click the image below to see the word work packets, and click the image above to go to the dramatic play packs!

My family and I are off for ONE MORE last minute vacation this weekend .. we are heading here:

to watch this:

We are SUPER excited to bring the girls to their first Arsenal game! Looking forward to a great weekend!!