One thing that’s so wonderful about living in the upper midwest is that we always have 4 distinct seasons. However, each season is not always equal in length. Although it is officially spring, we still have snow on the ground.
Our forecast for the next week doesn’t look great either…
So, this week, we are going to learn all about the wild and wacky weather that we experience!
Here’s is what is in our Math center drawers and our Daily 5 word work drawers:
Here are some other things we will be doing…
During math time, we will read this book and make symmetrical kites:
We will learn about clouds by reading lots of books!

and looking at
this website.
This site also has lots of fun cloud pictures.
If we have time, we’ll make some fun cloud shapes…
This book is also on our to-do list:
We will use straws to blow different items across the tables to see what the wind (us) can and can’t move easily.
I found this anchor chart, so I plan to replicate it: (Click on the image to go to the original source)
I love this poem from Teaching With Love and Laughter and will add it to our torn paper rainbows that we make every year! Click on the images to take you to
Lori’s blog to download the poem for free!
I adore these projects from
Julie Lee! We will definitely work on these too!
We already chart the weather every day in our daily
calendar books…this changes slightly each month. We’ve also been tracking the temperature, and using a pie graph to graph the type of weather we are having. Sorry I don’t have a current picture!
Hope has some weather vocab cards that we’ll put up as we learn the weather vocabulary. Just click on the image to go to her blog to download for free!
I like these anchor charts too:
(Click on each image to go to the original source)
I also love these books for teaching about weather:

We will wrap up all of our weather learning by watching parts of this fun video!
We love Sid the Science Kid!!
Here are a ton of other great options for learning about weather!
While we are learning about weather this week, I’m going to be dreaming about this…
Think warm thoughts, friends!