
3 Million Strong! TpT Sale!

Congratulations TeachersPayTeachers!

3 Million Users!!

To celebrate this gigantic number, TPT is having a sale and I am joining in! On Feb 27 and 28 you can save 28% in my store when you use the code TPT3 at checkout.

Click on the image below to go to my store:


Here are some of my favorites that I use almost every day!

Fix It Up! Sentences for Grammar, Sight Words & HandwritingFix It Up! {AGAIN!} - Sentences for Grammar, Sight Words aIt's Calendar Time! Daily Calendar Book ABC Centers For The Frugal Teacher {Letter ID} - COMBO PAC

Fun with Numbers! 1-10 Fun with Numbers Part 2!  11-20

Sticky Sight Words! Activities to Make Sight Words Stick! AlphaHeroes! Learning the Alphabet with Superheroes!

and of course, I have all of my center packs ….

The Backpack Boogie! Common Core Activities for Back to School It's Fall Y'all! {Seasonal Math and Literacy Activities}

Apples! Math and Literacy CentersRock Around the Clock! Math and Literacy for the 50th Day

Let's Talk Turkey! {Math & Literacy Activities to be Thank Fantastically Fun FALL! {Math and Literacy Centers}

 Sugar and Spice....Gingerbread and Candy Themed Math and LiteracyGet Your Jolly On! {Holiday Math and Literacy Centers}

Hot Chocolate Math and Literacy CentersPenguins! Math and Literacy Activities

 Snowmen! Activities For Math and LiteracyBundle Up! Math and Literacy Centers to Keep you Warm!

 Lovin' to Learn! Math and Literacy Activities for Valentine's Day3 Cheers for the Red, White and Blue! Math and Literacy Ac

St. Patrick's Day - Activities for Math and LiteracyWild and Wacky Weather! Math and Literacy Activities

  I Can Learn Can You!?  Whimsical Math and Literacy CentersGoing Buggy! Insect Themed Activities for Math and LiteracyMath & Literacy Centers for Little Sprouts {Plants - CommoFarm Frenzy! Farm Fresh Math & Literacy Centers {Common Co

 Hoppin' Into Spring! Math and Literacy ActivityFun at the Beach! Activities for Math and Literacy!

I hope you can snatch up some great deals and find something that will work for you in your classroom!!  Start loading up your shopping carts tonight! I know I have started!!!

Thanks for supporting all of the teacher authors on TPT!!




Are your kiddos needing a little bit of help with those tricky CVC words?  Here are a few of my favorite ideas…

This is a tried and true activity that I use in small groups for pushing sounds.  NO writing involved, just pushing the sounds.  I use glass gems for this – green, yellow, and red.  Green for the first sound – GO! Sometimes children that are struggling with CVC words are also struggling with the concept of the left-right sweep.


If you want to spice it up a little bit, use some push lights:


These word sliders are my ALL time favorite….


I use them in whole group and in my intervention and guided reading groups.  They are fantastic for quick daily practice.

I love this idea from Kathy Griffin

These are the little Keurig cups….I can also envision doing this was with mini dixie cups.  Could be a super fun word work center?!

And check out this fun idea from Heidi of Heidi Songs

It’s also fun to make practicing CVC words a whole body experience:


When we work on CVC words, I also have the children use their “sound arm.”  We say the first sound and touch our shoulder, say the second sound and touch our elbow, then say the third sound and touch our hand.  Finally we go back up to our shoulder and blend the sounds together and slide down our arm.

Of course you can adapt it to using other parts of your body. i.e. Head, waist, feet, and then POP up and blend the sounds and say the word.

We also LOVE this activity!  The children get to practice writing CVC words, and get some great brain breaks!  I  have the children sit at their tables with whiteboards and markers to do this activity.


This is another super fun activity that my kids love to do, and you can do it for as little or as long as you like!


I’ve added it to my Teachers Pay Teachers store, and you can download it for FREE!

If you are still in need of more CVC ideas, check out my CVC packs below – I’ve discounted all of them to $5 each.  I haven’t finished the short u pack, but gosh, I hope to do it soon! Just add it to my never ending to do list!!

CVC Intervention Kit - RTI {Short O}  CVC Intervention Kit - RTI {Short i}

CVC Intervention Kit - RTI {Short e} CVC Intervention Kit - RTI {Short A}

The ideas in these packs are not just for intervention – there are tons of great activities to use in small group, whole group, one-on-one, and for work work activities for Daily 5 or Literacy Centers.

I’m having another giveaway tonight on my Facebook page! Be sure to check it out!


What Happened to February? Whirlwind Review and What’s Coming up…

Seriously.  It flew by!

Here is what we have been up to in my classroom…

We celebrated the 100th day.  The day was so crazy I barely had time to capture many pictures!  All of the activities we did came from my 100th day unit.

Here is a TINY snippet…

100th day

You can see more 100th day ideas {here}!

We’ve also been working on some lovey dovey Valentine’s fun!

Valentine 1

Valentine 2

These are all from my Valentine center pack!

collage7896new vday collage23456789new


This week we are working on US Symbols.  I am not quite ready to switch over my daily 5 and math centers yet, but when I do, we will be doing activities from this unit:

3 Cheers for the Red, White and Blue! Math and Literacy Ac

Here is a fun little game to review US Symbols that you can download for free from my store:

American Symbols Interactive Pocket Chart Game

and I absolutely ADORE these QR activities from Sharing Kindergarten. We did the US President’s set on President’s day, and my principal was THROUGHLY impressed! My kiddos were SO engaged – I can’t wait to do the US symbols one!

QR Scan & Learn~ US Symbols

I will also throw in some of my center activities from my I Can Learn Can You pack, in honor of the kitty that wears that striped hat! In case you’re looking for some fun stuff for Dr. Seuss week, you can take a peek at my Circus themed centers – I know they aren’t Dr. Seuss, but that kitty in the hat is protected by trademark.  These activities fill in nicely! Click {here} to check it out!


I’m hoping for a little more normalcy in March – my life has been a bit crazy – we almost lost my Dad at the end of January when his heart stopped TEN times.  Oh boy.  It’s been a long medical journey for him, but hopefully things will start to go better now.  I spent many days at the hospital keeping him and my mom company.

IMG_4322 My girls have been dancing like crazy this month too! My oldest has had 2 competitions, and will be competing one more time this weekend.  I REALLY wanted to do Word Work packs for February and March, but with my dad’s health and my girls’ dancing life, other things had to be put on hold!


So, until next time friends!  Be sure to stop over by my Facebook Fanpage too! I’m thinking I’ll have a few surprise giveaways over there this week!! Stay tuned…..