
December Calendar Songs…and a new blog!

So sorry this is so late!  I’m still recovering from my vacation and we had report cards due today! To top it all off hubby is out of town on business for 2 weeks! Thank goodness he gets to come home on the weekends.

But, before I share the goodies with you, I want to introduce you to a new blog!!! This blog is written by one of my fabulous kindergarten friends.  I am so lucky to be able to call her my friend – she is amazing, guys!  She has such a kind heart and is a fantastic teacher.

So, stop on by to Live, Laugh Love K and say hi to my friend, Sheyna.  While you’re there click that little follow button, and leave her a comment, okay?  It will make her (and me!) ever so happy!



Last month, I shared with you some of the lines that did not make it…this time I was rhyming with cheer…..and ending up with beer….. hmmmm…..

And the calendar book pages:

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PS – I read each and every one of your comments, so if you snag this, please leave me a little note! I would love to see how many of you are downloading and using these in your classroom!


Scarecrows and Fall–Yes, I am a bit behind!

I guess I forgot to take some pictures of my math centers again this week!  I’ll upload these literacy centers as soon as I get a chance.  My school computer has been off since I left for vacation!



Thanksgiving Fun!

It’s been crazy this week!  I’ve been planning for my sub next week (explanation in a sec), trying to get assessments done, and battling a nasty cough!  And to top it all off, I thought I would pretend to be 19 again last night and go to the midnight showing of Breaking Dawn.  Um. I’m not 19 anymore and I can’t stay up until 2:30 in the morning and then get up at 6 at teach 16 kids. But, on the positive side, I am hopping on a plane in the morning for a vacay in sunny Florida!  I am so excited, and I CAN.NOT.WAIT. to wake my girls up in the morning and tell them we are going.  Yep. I have been such a great secret keeper!  My hubby is off to pick them up now from my mom’s house – she watched them while we secretly packed.  Now, I have to look busy when they come home. *wink wink*

So here are a few shots of our literacy and math centers this past week:




I really hoped to have had my gingerbread unit done before we left, but unfortunately, I wasn’t able to complete it.  I hope to get it done as soon as I get back.  I am NOT bringing any computers or school stuff with me on this vacation – it’s family time with Mickey Smile SO.EXCITED.


Thank You (and some pumpkins, too!)

First and foremost, I need to say thank you.


Working at an air force school and teaching the children of the men and women of the armed forces is an amazing thing.  The children that I teach sacrifice so much every day.  I am so proud to be able to be their teacher.  Hearing our students sing, “I’m Proud to Be an American” and “God Bless America” to their parents this week and seeing so many parents in the audience in uniform brought tears to my eyes.  What an an amazing group of people.  Thank you for your service and for protecting our freedom. 



Now on to the goodies! I feel like October flew by!  My camera has been stuck in my bag, and I haven’t taken it out! I have forgotten to take so many pictures – so here is what I have of our pumpkin unit!

The first few activities are from Julie Lee’s pumpkin pack:


  The children picked a word, read it, and wrote it two more times.


This one was a bit tricky for some kiddos, so I gave them an alphabet strip to match the letters.  They put each set in ABC order and then wrote the letters.


The children picked an item from the bucket and wrote the beginning sound on their pumpkin.


The children spun the spinner, counted the pumpkins and wrote the number on a pumpkin.


At this center, the children practiced matching the number word to the number.

The next pictures are activities that I created.


The children counted the dots (seeds!) on the pumpkin and matched the pumpkin to the correct number and wrote how many seeds were on that pumpkin.


Sequencing Teen Numbers


The children match the CVC word to the picture and then wrote the word again on their response sheet. 


And the weekly pocket chart activity.

Lots of freebies for you today! I love reading all of your comments – leave a little note if you download! Smile

Happy Friday!


and the words for the sentence strips:


And a couple of fun little books:

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A little emergent reader for whole class work:


And some alphabet writing practice:
