07 July 2013

Christmas in July! {and some randomness}

Whoa!? What?! JULY?? This summer is flying by! I’ve been keeping busy all summer playing chauffeur to my two girls…they are dancing fools and will spend all day at the studio if they could!


We’ve been trying to do a lot of what makes us happy :) And often that is just chilling out at our house!

My oldest daughter spent two weeks at Concordia Language Villages at the Norwegian camp.  If you want your child to learn a language in a fun and engaging way, Concordia Language Villages is the place to be.  This was her 4th summer there, and she can hardly wait to go back for more!


We’ve also found some time to chill out at the lake and pool…

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and enjoyed some 4th of July fun


We have just finished up our final arrangements for our family summer vacation….what started out as a little trip to California (because airline prices were great) turned into something bigger!  If you are in SoCal and have some suggestions of places to see/things to do, please let me know!

I will also admit that I have been neglecting my little old blog…along with all of the family summer fun, I’ve been preparing my presentation for I Teach K.  I hope to finalize things tonight, but it’s been all sorts of crazy in my house with alphabet stuff all over the place!


My WBT posts have been shoved to the side….sorry about that.  I hope to get back to it soon.

I have a winner from my Pin it to Win it giveaway too!


Keep watching my blog for more Pin it To Win it Games!

and….I promised I would pick three more winners of my newest alphabet games:

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Congrats to….


Thanks for hanging on with me…..now onto the best part…everybody loves a SALE, right!?


I’ll be announcing my deal of the day each day on my Growing Kinders Facebook page, so if you’re not already following, now is the time to do so so you don’t miss out on some deals!

Also, I have a new spot on my Facebook where you can get some FAN ONLY freebies! I’ll change these freebies throughout the week – keep your eyes open, they’ll only be up for a short time!



I’m also linking up with my friend Michelle for her Sunday Smorgasboard!

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  1. Kathleen your stuff looks amazing. I want to come see you. I'm going to have to have someone video tape! Thanks for linking up girlfriend.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I live in So Cal and there are many cool spots...FIRST the beach! All spots are great, but I love San Clemente. Renting bikes in Newport Beach. Dana Point harbor is fun to walk and see some old ships and great tide pooling for kids! The Aquarium of the Pacific is neat too. Lots to do outside! Hope you have fun! Love your blog and awesome ideas, thanks!

  4. How exciting to be presenting!! I don't know if I could stand in front of adults and do what I do in front of kids!! That's awesome! Your bubble pop game looks fun--and super cute. I've joined the linky too, stop by and check out my pencil sharpener review!
    Tales of a First Grade Teacher

  5. I don't have any kids {yet} but all I would want is for them to learn another language....I love the idea of language camp.

    I'm from So Cal and live in Huntington Beach- feel free to email me any questions. I would say to make sure San Diego is included in your plans, lots of beach time and of course, Mexican food.

    I'm hoping to see you in Vegas!

    Crayons and Whimsy

  6. I'm getting so excited about Vegas! I am attending a few of your sessions and I can't wait. Looks like you all are having a wonderful summer. See you next week!
    Kickin’ it in Kindergarten

  7. If San Diego is on your list, try Sea World, Legoland (discount tickets at Wendy's or KFC), San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park. La Jolla has a great beach too. Just email me if you need anymore tips. Have fun! I'll see you in Vegas!
