07 September 2011

Math Centers and random things…

Holy bananas! The first 10 days of school went so fast!  I’ve had so much fun getting to know my new kinders, but I sure am exhausted!

I don’t have much for you here…just a few randoms and our math centers from last week!

Here are the sweet little handprint puzzles!  The card is from Kim Adsit’s site – it’s a free download!  I had the kiddos decorate the envelope too.  So sweet!


We started out with colors and shapes and used Julie Lee’s Brown Bear unit a lot! One of my favorite activities was this glue practice sheet!  The kiddos loved it (despite some tired hands, and some blobs of glue!)  I might have to do another one again soon…


Here’s a quick and easy one for the color blue…


I used my 3/4” circle punch for the “blueberries”.  Super quick! Click on the picture below to download!


Our first go at math centers! We had 3 “real” centers and a couple of exploration centers.  Before we did the dice rolling independently we did an activity whole group, so everyone got practice and learned the rules for rolling the dice!

The brown bear pages are from Julie Lee’s brown bear pack.


1. Roll and write: this was a little challenging for some, but I really got a good picture of who could and who couldn’t write their numbers!


2. Dice roll and dob.  I just used a plain die and used a sharpie to add the shapes. (We used bingo dobbers)


3. Counting and one-to-one correspondence.  I worked closely with this group – again it showed me what kind of beginning skills my little guys have.


4. This one is a lakeshore counting box – The Candy Jar – great for beginning centers and practicing number ID and one-to-one.


5. We had to do some exploring with unifix cubes before we started patterning with them this week!!


  1. I love all your Number Sense activities. I find that this is sooo hard to teach some of my kids. I am linking this post to my blog so all my friends will be able to see your great ideas.


  2. Thanks for sharing...I love following your blog!

  3. LOVE the exploring of math centers!! I am looking for ways to include those concepts within my classroom ASAP! LOVE it!!
    Sarah Hetrick

  4. Great "shapes" dice! We are working on some number sense centers right now too!

  5. Thanks for posting more wonderful ideas. How do you use math centers? Are they something you do one day per week, or every day? Is this in addition to another math curriculum or IS this your math curriculum? Thanks!

  6. @Lynola - We do math centers every day. It enhances our curriculum :) I teach a mini-lesson before math centers and we practice all the skills we have been learning in centers. As the year progresses, I try to have a center for each main math concept: counting, patterning, sorting, graphing, adding/subtracting, etc. The kids get a LOT of great practice during math centers. We also do a TON of math when we do our calendar books.

  7. want a great tip for dice never rolling under your tables again? Buy the smallest ziploc bowls available (usually come in packs of 8). Place die inside, snap lid, and have children flip over so they are viewing through the bottom of the bowl. It's amazing.... and quiet.... and stress free! :)
