27 August 2011

Calling all Music! August/September

Hi friends – phew, am I exhausted!  We started school on Wednesday, and I don’t have ANY pictures for you! I haven’t even gotten a chance to snap pictures of my room, I have been sooo terribly busy!  Soon, I promise Smile

Do you ever get stuck in a music rut?  I sure do! I have my favorites and we sing them…. a lot.  One of my summer projects WAS going to be to organize my music by month – perhaps even by week, so I would be introducing new songs every week.  Well, that didn’t happen.


So, I’m reaching out to all of you amazing teachers!  Each month, I’ll write a post asking you to leave a comment for your favorite music for that month!


So, this month, I’m asking you to post up with your favorite back to school songs, movement songs, beginning of the year phonics,phonemic awareness songs, math and beginning number concepts! Make sense?


I’ll compile all of the songs for August and September into a document and post it for all of you to organize your OWN music!


To make it easier on everyone, please include in your comment:

1. Title of Song

2. Artist of Song

3. Album that the song is on

Happy Singing!


  1. I LOVE singing...all through the year, so this is a great idea!!
    1. Who Let the Letters Out-Dr. Jean-Kiss Your Brain
    2. Macarena Months-Dr. Jean-Dr. Jean and Friends
    3. Riding on the Bus-Jack Hartmann-I've Got Music in Me
    4. Seven Days of the Week-Jack Hartmann-I've Got Music in Me
    5. All of the songs on Jack Hartmann's Rhymin to the Beat - perfect for nursery rhymes!

  2. I also love..
    1. Lettercise-Dr. Jean-Is Everybody Happy
    2. Alligator-Dr. Jean-Dr. Jean Sings Silly Songs (end with kids singing in a whisper, so good for getting wiggles out then getting quiet)
    3. School Is Cool-Shari Sloane-School is Cool

  3. I like Donna Whyte: Sing Yourself Smart --- This CD is packed with Morning songs. Days of the week, Months of the Year, Weather, Funny Money, etc. She is a former teacher so they are Kid Friendly sung to common tunes. I also like Dinosaurs, Popcorn, and Penquins.

  4. Love this idea!! I can't wait to see what you organize! I actually just put my music on shuffle. and have singing time.

    1. A favorite though is definitely Dr. Jean's Totally Reading Alphabet Antics

  5. I love to begin the day with "Beautiful Day" by Jack Hartmann on his "Rhymin' to Read" CD.

  6. I use a lot of Jack Hartmann songs from Hip Hop Alphabop 2. We begin Morning Meeting with "Start This Day with a Song." We use "Workout to the Letter Sounds" and "Make a Rhyme, Make a Move" a lot all year long, but I like them in the beginning for sure. The kids love his "Silly Pirate Song" and "Cowboy Dance" for some brain breaks!

  7. I do lots of movement songs at the beginning of the year (especially since it is so hot where I teach, so we don't always get to have recess). My class' favorites so far this year are

    Make any shape and freeze by Jack Hartmann on Movin' to math. I also like the Count to 100 song on the same CD

    Jump Up, Turn Around, and Sliding, Rolling, and Jumping by Jim Gill on Moving Rhymes for Modern Times.

  8. I love Heidisongs singable songs for letters and sounds for the beginning of the year. It's a great way to incorporate music and movement and informally assess what your students know or don't know :)
    Vanessa @Pre-K Pages

  9. My favorite is Greg and Steve....ABC Rock and Number Rock sorry I don't know what CD they are on....it is at school.

  10. Off the top of my head:
    1. "More Cowbell"--Joanie Leeds--I'm A Rock Star
    2. "I Know A Chicken"--Laurie Berkner--The Best of The Laurie Berkner Band
    3. "Button Factory"--Dr. Jean--"Is Everybody Happy?"
    4. My fav, as a parent: "The Coffee Song"--Ralph's World--Welcome To Ralph's World


  11. This is a great idea! One we sing a lot for math is Spelling Numbers by Dr. Jean (not sure which cd, will have to look it up). I also like her Shape Song, Macarena Months and Days of the Week. Great suggestions from everyone.... can't wait to learn some new songs. :)

  12. Two of my favorite songs that I like to introduce at the beginning to help get the wiggles out are:

    1. Freeze It by Jack Hartmann on his Hip Hop Alpha-bop Volume 1 CD

    2. Peanut Butter by Dr. Jean on her Keep on Singing and Dancing CD

  13. What a great idea! I have lots that I use all year long.
    Here is my link from my blog to that post http://learningwithmrsparker.blogspot.com/2011/04/got-music.html.

    My favorites during the first week of school are:
    Who Let the Letters Out by Dr. Jean on Totally Reading CD
    Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Creative Teaching Press on the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
    Four Hugs a Day by Charolette Diamond on Ten Carrot Diamonds CD

  14. Sorry for another post, but I just remembered another one that my kids LOVED last year! United Streaming has a video for Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and it is so cute! It's kind of spoken/sang, but every time we had 5 extra minutes, my kids begged me to watch it and sing it.

  15. This is a great idea! I teach pre-k and my kids love:
    1. ABC Disco- Jack Hartmann- I've Got Music in Me
    2. Months of the Year Line Dance- Jack Hartmann- same album
    3. Hip Hop Tooty Ta- Jack Hartmann- Hip Hop Alphabop 2
    4.Victor Vito- Laurie Berkner- Victor Vito CD

  16. Forgot to add Color Farm by Dr. Jean (Sing to Learn, I think). :)

  17. I had this idea last summer. Still did not happen even this summer. Maybe one day. This is not really what you asked for, but I thought this might be a neat addition. Here is a site with power points to many songs I use in class. http://www.kellyskindergarten.com/PowerPoints/powerpoints.htm I came here looking for a chicka chicka boom boom math game (couldn't find it) and I am in LOVE with your site. Thanks!

  18. I love Popcorn by Greg and Steve from the We All Live Together volume 2 cd. My kiddos love to pretend they are pieces of popping corn and they try to jump higher than me.

  19. The best thing I ever did for my music was to organize it on my ipod. I have libraries for everything---abc's, rhyming, farm, etc. But...the best libraries I made are for my calendar. I made a play list for each day of the week. Each playlist has a days of the week, months of the year, seasons, and good morning song. That way I remember to use all the wonderful songs!

  20. This was a great idea for a post! Dr. Jean just organized her lyrics by month on her website. Have fun dancing, singing, and learning!

  21. i love hip-hop humpty dumpty by cathy & marcy on the banjo to beatbox album.

    I have a HELLO song that I sing every day with my kindergarteners, but I don't know where it is from. I just copied it from another teacher, and I've been searching everywhere!
    Its an echo song
    Hello there, hello there
    How are you?
    It's so good
    To see you
    We'll sing and
    Be happy
    We're all here together again!

    Anyone know where that is from??

  23. I'm a little late, but I teach pre-k and don't have a lot of music yet so I am soooo EXCITED to see what you compile. I can't decide how to spend my money (so much great music out there)!!! We LOVE LOVE LOVE Jim Gill! I start the year off with dancing and moving to:

    Silly Dance Contest - Jim Gill -Jim Gill Sings the Sneezing Song and the Other Contagious Songs

    Jim Gill is Going Nowhere - Jim Gill - Irrational Anthem

    Thanks again!! Can't wait :) Oh yeah, I LOVE LOVE LOVE and APPRECIATE your work in and dedication to education! You ROCK!
