15 April 2011

Ummm..What? SNOW?

You’re kidding me.  Twice over the past few weeks we’ve had forecasts for a boatload of snow.  The kids thought the meteorologists needed to go back to school.  It never came.

So, in the week there was an outburst of cheers during our calendar because we finally hit “green” on our Everyday Math thermometer (in the 40s – it’s the morning, remember?), and we were experiencing the warmth of 60 degree temps (which means break out the flip flops here in the upper Midwest), THIS happened:

{The view outside my classroom window – a progression from 8 to 3}


Um, yeah.  So there’s about 5.8 inches of snow.  ALL the snow was gone. The snow boots and snow pants were put away. Grrrrr.  We usually have an average temp in the 60s in April. It’s been a looonnnngggg winter!

And my city is also fighting a raging flood from the Red River of the North.  Thankfully, after the disastrous flood of 1997, they build a “flood wall” that blocks off the river from the city.  This video depicting the rising river this spring is pretty neat. The monolith shown in the video depicts the height (at the top) of the flood of 1997. 

No worries, though, we should be okay Smile Just THINK SPRING.


  1. Wow! Those pics are unbelievable!! Hope you guys get some warmer temps soon! I've never seen snow like that...I'm down in the south. :)


  2. I think we missed spring with weather in the 90s, Yikes!

    Primary Graffiti

  3. I live in Alberta, Canada, and maybe we got hit with the same storm! My daughter was outside on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon in a tshirt, happily shovelling the last little piles of snow off our lawn... and then we woke Thursday to just complete chaos. I stopped to get a coffee and when I came out my car was covered, thats how quick it was coming down. I caught two of my kinders having an argument today about the seasons and their order - one thought we had gone from winter to spring and back to winter again!!! Fingers crossed it all goes away soon, I want to wear flip flops!!!

    -Sarah D.

  4. Hello,

    I am in Winnipeg, just further up the Red! We got snow over night and everything is now white here to! We have been marking everyday for April SHOWERS and so far we have one day of scattered rain and the rest have been sun - and now this!They just opened the flood gate just outside of Winnipeg which diverts some of the flood water around our city so the river levels in the city have dropped. However, north and south of the city they are dealing with a lot of flooding! Spring will come soon and stay... I hope!

    in snowy Winnipeg!
