16 July 2014

Crash Course! Kim Bearden

For me, summer is a time to catch up on my ever growing reading list.  I love to read, and I try to squeeze in a bit during the school year, but I get so overwhelmed with everything I have to do, and my eyes shut as soon as my head hits the pillow! Although I like to keep my reading light during the summer, I will read a few professional books.
I recently finished one of the BEST teaching/motivational books that I have ever read.  No kidding.  I sometimes have a hard time getting through professional books, but this one kept me engaged from day one.  I even read it while I was on vacation at Disney World, people!
Crash Course: The Life Lessons My Students Taught Me by The Ron Clark Academy Co-Founder Kim Bearden.

The book is written as though you are taking a course from Kim.  It is written in manageable sections, and you can stop and start easily.  So if you have 10 minutes to kill while waiting for your children to come out of dance class (like me), this book is perfect.  Or you can read the whole thing in one night – which you might do.  It took me 2 nights, but I was on vacation Winking smile

Kim writes about the ups and downs of her teaching career.  She writes about her failures and successes.  She reflects on the children that have crossed through her classroom door and how each and every one of them have shaped who she is today. 

Even if you think you don’t have time to read this summer, make time.  This one is a keeper.  I have recommended this book to so many colleagues already, and I can’t wait to had a copy to my administrator.  You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll nod your head in agreement.
So grab some tissues, and pick up your copy of the book right here! You will definitely not be disappointed!

Kim Bearden is the co-founder and executive director at the Ron Clark Academy. Most importantly, she is also the language arts teacher. Kim has received numerous awards for her creative, dynamic, and rigorous teaching styles. She was selected from over 70,000 nominations to be honored as the Disney American Teacher Awards Outstanding Middle School Humanities Teacher. Along with countless other awards, she was also chosen from among 7,000 teachers as Teacher of the Year in Cobb County Georgia. Over the past twenty-three years, she has been a teacher, instructional lead teacher, curriculum director, school board member, staff development trainer, and middle school principal.
For someone that has accomplished so much during her career, Kim is by far one of the most humble and down to earth educators. Her life hasn't been perfect, and I love that she is so transparent in her book as she shares her experiences as an educator. 
Instead of telling you, I will just show you! Here is a little clip that shows who and what the Ron Clark Academy is all about! The best part? You can actually come spend a day…or two…at the school! Be sure and follow the Ron Clark Academy on Facebook {HERE} to receive special updates and events!
If you would like to visit RCA and participate in the RCA Educator Training Experience, visit the website {HERE} to register! It is truly a training unlike anything you have ever experienced before. During this training, you will get to meet the students of RCA and observe Ron Clark and Kim Bearden's unparalleled instruction in their 5th grade classrooms. You will also spend the day in classroom observations and workshops that will enhance your instruction in any grade level. And of course, you will end the visitation becoming "slide certified."
2014-2015 Training Dates:

I am so excited about teaming up with some of my favorite bloggers to share our review of Kim's book. Click on any of the links below to see what they think...
InLinkz code:

Win a signed copy of Kim's Book!


Win a free visitation to the Academy!  

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