03 June 2014

Are you Ready for 1st Grade?

Lakeshore Learning, I company that I love whole heartedly, recently contacted me to see if I would be interested in checking out one of their newest products.

Are You Ready for 1st Grade? Game Show®

It’s a fun game show game called…. “Are you ready for 1st Grade?!”  Oh boy, doesn’t this look fun?!

What really got me hooked was the interactive components.  Check out this video:

There are games for children starting Kindergarten-5th grade!

They sent me the 1st grade version, and let me tell you it was a life saver the last week of school.  We played this game as a whole group in teams, but you could EASILY do this as a small group.  In fact, I am going to have this game close by my reading table to use throughout the year, because the cards increase in complexity!


Because it was the end of the year, and I have a mountain of boxes in my room (I’m moving schools in case you hadn’t heard), we kept it simple.  Tally marks on the dry erase board.  They could easily use the board to draw pictures to solve problems if needed.


I love the set up of the game! It makes it feel like a real game show!  I’m telling you, the kids BEGGED to play this game! It was a great behavior motivator for them!


If you are playing the game one one one with a child, this score/tally sheet is how you would keep track of which questions your child got right.


Then you can go right online and mark the questions the children got right/wrong and it will generate activities for them to do!

Are You Ready for 1st Grade? Game Show®

Are You Ready for 1st Grade? Game Show®

It even comes with play money!


This game would be super fun any time of the year, or as a summer learning game for your own children at home!  Be sure to stop over at the Lakeshore website to read the details!

Here’s the awesome news…Lakeshore is offering a $10 off coupon to all Growing Kinders readers!  That makes the game only $19.99!!  A whole summer (or school year) of learning FUN for less that $20!  Go check it out NOW!!

To get $10 off any Are You Ready? Game Show®, enter code 9141 at checkout or click here for a store coupon!

The coupon expires 7/31/14, so head on over there today!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I think this is the best way of learning while playing. Now a days it is noticed if teach kids with fun they will learn easily. Thanks !
