24 June 2014

A Whole Lotta Random…What I’ve Been Up To!

I thought I would share with you some randomness that was on my camera over the past month or so!  In no particular order…

Some of you might know that my dad has had quite a rough year this year…in October, he was diagnosed with a very rare form of bile duct cancer and had surgery to remove the tumors.  In January he suffered a cardiac arrest episode and had TEN heart attacks – thank goodness he was in the hospital at the time!  He had bypass, and it was quite scary for a while.  He recovered, and continued with chemo, but still had a hard time healing from the bypass – he has been in an out of the hospital since March.  I’m happy to say that he is ON THE MEND!  The doctor’s are very happy with his progress, and he gets to stop chemo!  This is a pic of my dad, my husband and my brother :)


This is my little tiger.  She danced to Katy Perry’s Roar at recital this year, and guess who got to do the make-up?  She was purrrfectly perfect.


My niece graduated from high school in June.  I remember holding hear in my cap and gown when she was just a baby. Wow, how time flies!


This is just us.


The last day of school.  I now have a 2nd grader and a 7th grader. Wow.


And a final good-bye to my classroom.  Our Air Force Base school board voted to consolidate our two buildings.  We will now have one K-8 school, instead of a K-3, and a 4-8 building.  Packing up my classroom took most of April and May!


The biggest change for me came just last week.  I had the incredible opportunity to move to a school that was closer to my home, and to my girls’ schools. The caveat?  I would have to move to first grade.  So, friends, I am now a first grade teacher.  I promise I won’t leave my Kindergarten friends behind!  I’ll still continue to post and blog about all things Kindergarten AND first! 

Stay tuned….a new adventure awaits!


  1. Congratulations on your new teaching adventure! You'll love the growth you will encounter teaching firsties.

  2. Enjoy your new adventure in first!

  3. Congrats on your new adventure in first! I have taught both and love them. :)


  4. CONGRATS. I can't wait to read about your adventures in 1st. Fun grade. Smiles and stop by anytime!

  5. Congratulations on your "promotion" to first grade. I am looking forward to hearing about your first grade adventures.


  6. Good luck in first grade. I've taught kindergarten and loved it, but I think first is the best. I hope you will love it, too.

    First Grade Schoolhouse

  7. Congratulations! I hope your dad continues to heal! Good luck in first grade! Us kindergarten teachers will miss you!

    One Sharp Bunch
