09 March 2014

I Teach K and Center Round-Up!


Have you made plans to attend the National Kindergarten Conference this summer?!  This conference is one of the best professional development opportunities out there for Kindergarten teachers because all of the sessions are targeted directly to US!  This is the 4th year I will be attending this conference and the 2nd year I am presenting.  This year I will be presenting TWO sessions.  Both are sessions that I am super passionate and excited about!

On Tuesday, July 8th at 1:00, I will be speaking about morning routines and how to start the day with a positive attitude (both you and your students :).  I will share with you about our morning routines, morning meetings, daily news and daily calendar time.  I hope that you can come and see this session – I am very excited about it!


My second session is immediately following my first on Tuesday, July 8th at 2:45.  I will discussing different ways to set up centers in your classroom – whether you are a daily 5 type teacher, a workstation or a literacy center type teacher, I will share with you ideas for management and super fun centers that your students will stay engaged with while you work with individuals or small groups of students.


Register NOW for early bird savings! (Last year my session sold out, so get it quick!)

 Early Bird Offer

I hope that I see you there!

Now on to centers….

My Daily 5 Rotations that I blogged about earlier are going GREAT.  Last week, I  made a few switches on how I rotate students through the activities, and I will share that with you when I feel it is SET….

Here is what I have in my Daily 5 Word Work Drawers last week and will finish up with this week…


IMG_8755This recording sheet is from a work work packet that I’m working on! Stay tuned!IMG_2534



and math centers…a mix of America centers and silly cat centers…


These activities came from:

3 Cheers for the Red, White and Blue! Math and Literacy Ac I Can Learn Can You!?  Whimsical Math and Literacy Centers

Just click on the image to see them in my Teachers Pay Teachers shop!   Make sure you are following my Facebook page too – I may give away some products tonight!!


  1. I'm officially signed up for your sessions! :) Can't wait! Let the 4 month countdown begin! :)

  2. @ Holly -- Can't wait to see you! :)

  3. Oh I so wish I could go!! But it's just too expensive :( I have a question..how do you structure your math stations? I am trying to get ideas for next year. I would like to have 4 stations a week (me being the 5th station). I have 22 kiddos, so each group would have 4-5 kids. Do you change your stations weekly? Feel free to email me or comment back if you have time. Thanks so much!


  4. Yes, Sarah, it is expensive, but SOOO worth it! Can you get your school to pay for it?

    I structure my math centers a bit differently this year because I have so many kids! I'm down to 24 now, but started the year with 26. I also have a very chatty bunch! Right now, I do a whole group lesson for about 15 minutes to introduce/review new skills that we are learning. Then the children work in centers for about 15-20 minutes. We actually get quite a bit of math time because I do my morning calendar at a different time - that reviews and covers skills as well too. In the past I have had 5-8 centers running (depending on the number of kids in my room). Just recently I've switched to 12 centers to cut down on the noise in the room (I have a very chatty bunch!). I change my centers after all children have had a chance to visit each center. So, if I have 5 centers, it would generally be every 5 days, if I have 12 centers it would be every 12 days. If I need to work on specific skills with kids, I'll pull them during center time. The activities that they are working on during centers are review activities, and they often end up being too hard for the children that are struggling. Hope that answers all of your questions!

  5. I'm attending the conference and have already signed up for your sessions! You were great last year but I hope they give you a bigger room!!!

  6. I think I am going to get to go! I have never gone before and I can't wait!

  7. I love the stations that you have on display here. They sure keep the kids engaged. Thanks for showing what you put in the bin too. I seem to always forget something in there. I went last year to Vegas and so hope I can get there this year. It is sooo worth the money. There is so much good information and wonderful people to meet.

  8. I just registered for your centers session. Can't wait!!

  9. Ok, I've set aside Tuesday, July 8 afternoon to attend your sessions!! Now I just need to buy that plane ticket. And get all the stars aligned to squeeze in all that I wanna and havta to do while in the states!


  10. Where do you find those blocks that you slide in and out your own stuff? I love them!!! I am also registered for both of your sessions at the iteachk conference. Super excited as I've been a follower of your amazing blog for a while...:-)
