11 November 2013

Time Savers! {Blog Hoppin’ Linky}

So, I’m not really one to talk about time savers, because I am kind of a last minute kind of gal.  I’m usually running late or behind on things.  Procrastination is my business.  Most people are surprised when they *think* they see the organization in my classroom (just don’t open the cupboards), and I tell them that I am SO not organized at home.  I wish I was, but the mornings {and evenings} are usually quite hectic and we are all running around in different directions.  We are organized in our “own” way.

*Clutter is nothing more than Postponed desisions. Quote for Organization


One of my biggest time savers at home is my calendar on my phone.  It’s a free one called CalenMob.  All of our calendars are synced in Google Calendar, so both my husband and I are able to see anything that is going on for each other or for the kids.imageIn my classroom, I DO try to keep some things organized to save on time. (Even though I am usually running around at the last minute!) I have my center organization down to a “T”

I keep all of my response papers and center pieces like this:


So, when the new theme rolls around, I just grab the tub and it has all of the center pieces ready to go for me.  I also keep the blacklines in there as well. 


I keep all of my thematic books in the same spot – in labeled tubs.

And anything that doesn’t fit goes in these bad boys:


For my small group work, I keep everything I need for each group in a tub:


And I use one of these mini 3 drawer organizers to store any little pieces that I might use (elkonin boxes, sight word cards, dry erase markers, finger pointers, etc.)


I realize that this might “look” organized, but these are pictures on a good day! Ha!


Click on over to Blog Hoppin’ to see other teacher time savers!


  1. I love those bins from Target with the green handles. They are so great for storing everything!

  2. I have not seen those bins with the green handles. I will DEF be on the look out for those! Thanks for sharing your ideas :)

  3. Girl...you look like the queen of organization! Awesome!!
    Just Reed!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You have given me some great ideas and things to think about. I was wondering, how do you store/sort your classroom library?

  6. Let me tell you, we are one and the same! I always say I'm not procrastinating, I am "incubating" ideas! I also love those green-handled containers!


  7. I love these ideas for organization! I'm right with you about the containers, I just started my own this year! Hey, check out my FREE gingerbread boy and girl clipart: http://theartofteachingintodaysworld.blogspot.com/2013/11/gingerbread-boy-girl-clipart-giveaway.html

  8. Love your Ideas! I can always use some tips on organizing :-)

