20 October 2013

Life has been crazy…

My lesson plans aren’t ready.  I had 4 days off, but my lesson plans aren’t done.  I promise they’ll be done soon.  I didn’t post them last week, because I was a bit busy and had a lot on my mind (obviously my blog has suffered!)

My dad has been battling some stomach issues over the past 6 months or so.  He has been in and out of the hospital dealing with medical issues since about last March. It’s been tough.

He was recently diagnosed with bile duct cancer.  If you read anything about bile duct cancer, it’s not good.  At all.  Two weeks ago, he travelled for the second time to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN and the doctor’s there did their thing.

I have the utmost respect for the doctor’s at the Mayo Clinic.  Six years ago they saved my mom’s life when she was granted a new liver.  Two week’s ago they did the same for my dad.   I believe he is one of the lucky ones – the cancer was caught early and contained.  He’s not out of the woods yet though, he will travel back in 3 weeks for further testing just to make sure…

While we were driving the 6 1/2 hour road trip, this song came on (take a minute and listen, you won’t regret it).

If you know me, you will know that I’m a worrier.  I worry about everything.  When this song came on the radio – I knew that everything was going to be okay. *sigh*

Last Tuesday was Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.  I lit my candle for my sweet Nora, and all the other babies that left this Earth too soon.

and then this fell this morning….

Really?  Thankfully the snow melted pretty quickly, but it’s just a remind that winter is not far away.

But, here’s what makes me smile… Our final roses of the season from my Nora’s rose garden.  Her rose garden gives us beautiful roses all summer long. 

So, I’ll be back at it this week, I promise.  Because..


  1. Oh Kathleen, we love you no matter what! Do what is best for you and your family, and we'll be right here waiting for you!! Hugs and kisses!

  2. Take care of yourself and your family. The rest of the world can wait. Sending prayers and good wishes for your dad.

  3. Thank you for this post. I lost my mother a week ago, and thanks to the song you posted and your sweet spirit of caring, I realize everything is going to be alright! Bless you! Your roses are beautiful...just like Nora. :-)

  4. I'm so glad that I saw your link on Twitter. I'll be praying for your dad. I didn't know about Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day...our daughter Sara said hello and goodbye with her only breath. She would be 21 years-old now, but she will always be a newborn in my arms.

    Have a good week! Chrissy

  5. Kathleen,
    I will be thinking and praying for your family. Family comes first.

  6. Sometimes life is just one foot in front of the other, and during those times lesson planning and blogging just slide way down the list of priorities. Take time to look after your family. :)

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

  7. Family comes before ALL! Stay strong. You and your family will be in my prayers.

  8. Love you girl!!!! Praying for your dad and all of you!!!

  9. Hang in there. We are all sending hugs, love and prayers to you and your family.
    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

  10. Thank you for the post! I love the Keep Calm sign and the song. My mom will be going to Mayo in a few weeks for a stem cell transplant to hopefully keep her cancer in remission. I will be praying for your dad, mom, you, and your whole family. I love your blog and the things you share!


  11. Kathleen... You are in my prayers.... and your father too. I will be praying for miraculous and complete healing. Thank you also for sharing those beautiful thoughts of Nora. You probably know my oldest kiddos are twins....but my youngest was also, and we lost his twin early. That sweet baby is in my thoughts every single day. What a wonderful Heavenly reunion it will be someday! You are in my thoughts... Holly

  12. Your Nora is beautiful! My Michael left the world early too. He was born 1-1-00 and left the world 1-3-00. It doesn't matter if we get 2 minutes, 2 days, 2 years or 20. They will always be loved and missed by their momma.

  13. WOW!! Thank you for your heartfelt message!!! I also remembered my baby boy last Tuesday that lived for under 1 hour after giving birth to him. Losing your chid changes your life forever! My son would have been18 years old today! There is no greater loss than a mother burying her baby or child... no matter what age! I am sending you lots of love from Southern California!! You are never alone! Your Nora roses are beautiful!! xoxoox

  14. Just started following you about a month ago. Thank you for being so candid about what you are going through. My thoughts are with you and your family. It's funny how we get messages and signs from Him; sometimes when we least expect them. Hang in there, the blog can wait! :)

  15. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family! You are such an inspiration to everyone!
