08 October 2013

Better Late than Never, Right?

Sorry for the delay on my lesson plans this week! 

I have been loving this lately…

The days are cooler and shorter, and I love the crisp smell in the air! But…in the back of my mind, I know that this is right around the corner…

So, I’ll enjoy fall while it lasts with some fun fall centers and lots of time outside!

Most of my activities for the next couple of weeks are coming from these two packs.  Just click on the images if you’re interested!

fantastically fun fall

fall y'all

We also play a lot of the pocket chart games in this pack – the kids go nuts over them!


Here are my plans for the week!  As always, plans may change! I don’t always get to everything in my plans and some things I just decide not to do!  We have to be flexible as Kindergarten teachers, right?!  I would love to hear your thoughts about these plans – are they helpful to you? Or do they not make any sense at all?!


Have a great remainder of the week.  I’m not sure how my internet access will be over the next few days, so be patient with me if you have any questions!!


  1. Hi Kathleen! I love your units and have purchased some before! I just wish I could fit everything in plus some of our favorites we like to do! Our district is now requiring us to include our CCSS in our lesson plans as well as what scales and rubrics we are using to assess our kinders in each area. Sometimes I think all these scales and rubrics for Kinder is a bit much! I currently type up my plans in a template I created using Microsoft Word but am finding that I don't have a lot of room to wiggle with. Would you be willing to share your lesson plan format via email so that I could adapt it to my needs? It looks like you are creating it in PowerPoint? I would really appreciate it if you are able to share this! Thank you for all of your time! Happy Fall! ~Allison cosgrovefamily4@gmail.com

  2. Thanks for sharing these - I love to see what other teachers are doing. Just like Allison from above, I like your format of lesson plans, and if you would be willing to share your template, I would love to use it! Thanks!
    Miranda mhoffmann@isd2397.org

  3. I love looking through your plans and grabbing ideas....and your ideas are great! We all love to see what others are doing in their classrooms. Thanks for taking the time to share!

  4. Thanks Kathleen! You're units are always PERFECT for me! I have gotta come visit you sometime to see your class in action. It just seems like we have so much in common! Your resources fit so seamlessly into my schedule and curriculum! You are my "go to" girl! Thanks again!

  5. Hi Kathleen! Thank you for sharing so many wonderful ideas! I will be purchasing more of your fall units -these look great to use in the classroom. I love your fall photo!! Will you be selling the "Daily Focus" cards that you had mentioned in a previous blog? I would love to get these to put near my calendar! Many thanks for wonderful ideas! I love Fall!
