09 September 2013

A Caveman Could Do It

There is NOTHING cute and fancy about this game folks.  We played this game the first week of school.  I wanted to get the kids used to playing games in partners, and I just needed to watch how they interacted with each other, and also if they had any basic math skills.

So this roll and cover game spilled out of my printer.  There is really nothing to it, and it’s not any brilliant new idea.  I just made a 1x6 table and added the numbers.  Ran through the copier on colored paper and printed.  Literally a 5 minute prep time. Shh….they’re not even laminated!


The children take turns rolling the dice and covering the number they rolled with the markers.  When their board is full, they just start over again.  No winner, here – just keep going and going and going!


I’m going to add this game to my sub tub – it’s simple and easy a caveman can do it.  If you need a minute to catch your breath during the day – pull this game out.  Your kids will love it.


  1. Love it! Thanks for sharing! I so wanted to find you when I was in Grand Forks this summer! Does that make me sound like a stalker?! Enjoy the rest of your week, love your ideas!!

  2. Sometimes it's the simple ideas that are best and at the very least keep you sane! Thanks for this great share.
    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

  3. HI How do you make those tablets? I can handwrite them but the computer generated ones look so much better. I am not computer savvy so need all the help I can get. Thanks.

  4. Kathleen, I love the game. Can you tell me what font gives you a 4 like that? Dawn, if you go into word and select table it will make one with the number of boxes you want. Then you can add your font for the text. Can't wait to do this with my kinders.
