28 April 2013


Do you love Instagram?  Did you know that Growing Kinders has an Instagram account?  I post things on my Insta that might not necessarily make it on the blog or my facebook page!  It’s super easy to follow!

You can follow me online or download the FREE Instagram app at the iTunes store or Google Play store.  My user name is:


Or you can just click {here} to follow online

Photo: Are you following my Instagram page yet? Search for growingkinders ... We are going to play a little give away game soon.... :)

Here’s another fun thing! Every Tuesday, teachers will be posting something on their Insta using the hashtag (#) #teachertalktuesday

When you use hashtags, your content is grouped together with others that have also used that hashtag.  You’ll be able to find lots of new people to follow and see lots of fun ideas!

Why don’t you come and join in on the fun!?

On a side note…. Farm Frenzy is ready!


Farm Frenzy!


  1. I have a feeling lnstagram is going to become a BIG part of the blogging world! I'm your newest instagram follower!

    Flying High in First Grade

  2. I have to ask: What is the difference between following on line and via iphone? Do I have to both places and follow you or does it happen once I do on either one?
    My Second Sense

  3. YAY! love your farm stuff and THANK YOU for linking up! Love you!!!

    - Rachelle
    What The Teacher Wants

  4. Tania - I believe once you do it one way you are also following the other way!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I did know you were on Instagram...definitely following you! Can't wait for tomorrow. Love how we bloggers are taking over Instagram!

    For the Love of First Grade

  7. I love instagram. This post has perfect pictures and you look always amazing. Have a nice day.

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  8. Do you love Instagram? Did you know that Growing Kinders has an Instagram account? I post things on my Insta that might not necessarily make it on the blog or my facebook page! It’s super easy to follow.buy instagram followers yahoo answers

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