11 March 2013

Shari Sloane {Music Monday}

music mondays

I thought I would try out a new series with you all!  Raise your hand if you love using music in your classroom! I do! I do!  Music gets me through the day!

Each week I’ll try to share with you a song or video that we enjoy singing in our classroom.

This week I’m going to share with you my friend Shari Sloane’s new CD.  I have seen Shari present a number of times – she is amazing, and is SO smart! She is definitely “Minnesota Nice.” I have always enjoyed  my time visiting with her.  Last summer, she shared with me that she was working on a new album…. The album was just released and I am SO excited to introduce my kiddos to the songs on this album! 

SO many songs that I sang as a child! These will be great for quick time fillers or brain breaks – and just to HAVE FUN!

Be sure to stop over at her website to listen to previews and to purchase her new album!


  1. Woo hoo! I love Music Mondays!! This is going to be great. I was just singing a Shari Sloane song with my little ones today (the Safe Zone song about bullies) and I had no idea she has a new CD out. I love everything she does. Thank you for sharing and always having such great posts!

    Crayons and Whimsy

  2. What a fun idea for a series! We LOVE music in our room too... and Shari is one of our favorites!!
    Karen :o)
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

