11 February 2013

Heart Day

Valentine’s day seems to pop up so quickly each year!  January buzzes by so fast, and then all of a sudden it’s here!  This month we focus on Friendship, standing up for each other, and kindness.  We’ll be reading some of my very favorite books this month:

  We will also be working on some of these activities this week and next

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Here are some centers that we have worked on in the past as well:


Just a simple vowel sort. I love doing sorts with the kids.  This sort is from Hugs and Kisses – Short U and I games.

I’m in the process of making a bunch of sorts from a book recommended by my super smart friend Kim Adsit :  Word Sorts and More.  It’s a long process, but I think in the end it will be so worth it!


Here is a freebie game that you can use with your kiddos!


This sort is from Kim Adsit’s Heart’s Friends and Valentine’s Pack.


Here the children practice with onsets and rimes in these adorable word family books! This is a center called Monkey Love!


This is one of my favorite centers! It’s a “lift the flap” center.  Each heart is a flap.  The children lift up the flap, look at the picture, clap the syllables and record it on their recording sheet.  It’s so fun!

We will also be learning about Pandas this week and next!

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Some other goodies that I will be doing this week:

valentine crafts sweetheart snatcher

Even though I’m still going to be in school all week, I still am using Cheryl’s fantastic sub tub unit!

old lady rose

We were lucky enough to get a snow day today! (surprisingly, although I live in the arctic north, we NEVER get snow days!) It’s nice to be home to catch up on laundry, cleaning, and cuddle time with my little ladies! 


  1. Hi Kathleen,
    There is so much fun and learning here. Thanks for sharing the centers that your have posted. They were so irresistible that I have decided to grab a couple of them from your store.

  2. Your games and centers look amazing. I love the short U and I practice for "Hugs and Kisses" on Valentine's day. Renee

  3. I love the word sliders! I have never seen anything like that before. Where can you get them or how can you make them?

    Thank you! :0)

    - jen (walls.jennifer1 at gmail d0t com)
