18 November 2012

Thanksgiving Centers

Sorry, friends! I’m a little behind on my centers post!  Too much going on and not enough time to do it! (Isn’t that the story of our lives?!)

So, here goes – centers for last week and this week:

Math Centers:

Most of my kiddos are pretty secure in counting by 10s, so this was a great assessment for me…just to make sure!  They simply cut out the numbers and glued them on the paper strip in sequential order.  When they finished they could color them in a pattern (which they totally ROCK at because of our daily calendar book!)


At this center, the kids roll 2 dice, count up the dots and dob the correct number.


Here, they are measuring with non-standard units.  They use both unifix cubes and linking clips.


Here we are counting the pies in the oven!


At this center, the children count how many of each item are on the table and then graph their results.


Literacy Centers:

This is a write the room center.  I have sight words hung up around the room, and they have to find them and put them in the correct spot on their paper.


This one is from Cara Caroll’s Thanksgiving Pack.  I made the cards into a flipchart for my IWB.  I wish I would have taken a picture of it for you!  If you have an IWB, and know how to use it (this is key!) you can turn any of my centers (or anyone else’s) into flipcharts for a center! (Hint: I import the PDF and then I use the camera tool to take a snapshot!)  *Just be sure you don’t share those flipcharts because that would be a copyright violation. :)*


This center is also from Cara.  The children write the beginning and ending sounds with dry erase markers (or you could use letter tiles) and then transfer it to their recording sheet.


At this center the children are rolling a dice and writing the short a word.  This is good practice for them, and it allows me to see who really understands CVC words!


If you’re interested in any of these activities, you can find them in my Let’s Talk Turkey pack or Cara’s Talk Turkey to Me pack!


  1. Fabulous centers. The graphics are adorable. I'm impressed that your kinders know short vowel sounds so early in the year! Renee

  2. Hi Kathleen,
    Wow, you have a lot of great centers, can I be in your class? I was just stopping by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

  3. Wow...what awesome centers. What kind of containers are your centers in?

    1. They are in some drawers that I got from IKEA! I'll try to post a pic soon!

  4. We just finished your Thanksgiving centers this week. My kiddos love center time because I have such great games. Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas and centers with fellow teachers.

  5. Great Centers! IWB...interactive white board? Will it work the same with SMARTboards? I will have to give it a try. I have never made flip cads before. Love your ideas!!! You were one of the first I followed.

