24 November 2012

Sight Words, Brag Tags & a {Giveaway}!

My kiddos are LOVING our Scooping Up Sight Words wall!  Each time they learn a new set of 10 sight words, they get to add a scoop to their ice cream cone!  Most kids are right on track with their sight words – yippee!! (This picture is a little bit old – it doesn’t reflect my last assessment!)
Here’s how it works…I test each student as often as needed on sight words – usually once every other week.  They have a ring imageof words at home and a ring of words at school.  As they learn their cards, they can add a scoop to their ice cream cone.  When the kiddos have learned all 70 kindergarten sight words – they earn an ice cream party!  
They are so excited to add to their scoop and they usually are reminding me to do it ;)
I thought I had a picture of my word wall, but I guess I don’t!  I’ll snap a pic and upload it soon.  I use my magnetic white board for my word wall.  My words are color coded like the student cards.  I introduce two new words a week (and review other words too), and then we add those to the word wall.  I put magnets on the back so the kids can take them back to their seat during writing time if they need to.
FINAL WORD WALL PACKET_Page_01If you’re interested in my Scoopin Up Sight Words, you can find it {here!}  This file is programmable, so you can also add your own sight words!
I’ve recently added a new little surprise to my Scoopin Up Sight Words wall!
Introducing…..Brag Tags!
If you haven’t seen these cuties before you must go over to Boost Promotions website and check them out!  They have all sorts that you can choose from!
Boost Promotions sent me 4 varieties to try out with my kiddos – I choose Star Student (for my kiddo of the week), Super Star Reader (for when then read 100 books at home – {parents}), 100th day, and I know my Sight Words.  As the kids earn their brag tag, I hang it with their ice cream scoop! How fun is that?!
IMG_5090   IMG_5092
How would like to try out Brag Tags in your own room?!  Boost Promotions is going to give some away to one lucky Growing Kinders reader!
Here’s what you need to do to enter (you can get one entry for each!)
1. Sign up for Boost Promotions blog newsletter  {CLICK HERE} 
2. Follow Boost Promotions on their blog {CLICK HERE} 
3. “Like” Boost Promotions on Facebook {CLICK HERE} 
4. Retweet or Re-Post this contest on your Twitter or Facebook!
Good Luck!! *I'm having a few issues getting the options to stick in rafflecopter! If you do everything, you will still get 4 entries* a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. https://twitter.com/jacksondeb/status/272632909305872385

    debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  2. Great giveaway. I completed steps 1-3, but Rafflecopter hasn't worked for me since they did the latest upgrade. Love the sight words incentive you created.

  3. I love programs like this one with your ice cream scoops for learning sight words. What do you do when you have a child who walks in the door knowing all the sight words because they are a sight word reader? Do you give them all the scoops at once, give them a different list to earn scoops or just let them test the scoop words weekly and earn faster?

    1. I have one little girl this year that has all of her scoops now - I am going to make phrases for her to work on at home, as well as having her practice how to write the words!

  4. This is BEYOND fantastic! What a super cute way to motivate students!

    Beg, Borrow, Steal

  5. Love the scoop program! I came over by way of Step into Secons's Flash giveaway to make sure I was a follower and GASP! I wans't:(

    So I am your newest (and oldest) follower all at the same time:)

    The Resourceful Apple

  6. I don't "tweet" but I did repin on my pinterest board. Love the bulletin board incentive! Will definitely share with our kinder teachers.


    Thanks for the opportunity and great ideas! I am a new follower.

  7. I love this idea! Can you tell me which sight word list you use? Fry, Dolch, or something else? Amy

    1. I use a combination of Scott Foresman Reading Street and Fountas and Pinnell -- plus color and number words. However there are blank cards in the packet that you can type on to add your own words!

  8. I love your ideas! I re-posted on my Facebook page but I am not sure what address you are looking for. The link I posted was http://growingkinders.blogspot.com/2012/11/sight-words-brag-tags-giveaway.html. This is my Facebook page that I shared the link to https://www.facebook.com/carrie.nicholaslemke.

  9. I have a few firsties who are struggling to learn sight words... I think this might be perfect because I can add in the words not included in your series...as it is programmable. Am I correct ? We use HM Legacy of Literacy at the moment. Thanks so much ! :)

    1. Yes! It is a programmable PDF! You can add all the words you need!

  10. I love so many of your ideas. I bought your Scoopin' Up Sight Words over the summer and have been using it this year. My kids LOVE having their own word rings at home and are so excited when they get the next color of words. I feel like my kids are learning their sight words this year quicker than ever. I have 2 questions--first, if, after progress monitoring a set of words 4 times, the kiddo still doesn't know all the words, do you go ahead and send home the next color set anyway? Or do you wait for them to master the set before sending home the next one and adding a scoop to the ice cream? My next question is: I have not posted my ice cream cones in my classroom yet because I still have a few friends who haven't mastered the first set of words and didn't want them to be upset they had a cone with no scoops on it. Do you find this to be an issue or is it usually motivating? Thank you! :-)

    1. So glad to hear you are having success with this!! Yippee!! If a child is missing one or 2 words, I make not of it, and send home the next set. I'll let parents know through newsletters that we are working on the next set of words. I will add a scoop, but tell them they need to really keep working on those few words! I have the names hidden underneath the cones - so when I look at it, I really don't even know who's is who's! The children really know just their own. So, I haven't really had any problems with it yet -- make sense?!

    2. Oh, I like the idea of hiding the names under the cones! Thank you! I am going to try that. :-) You're right--the kids will definitely know which one is theirs, though. Thank you so much for sharing all your ideas! :-) My kids have never learned so many sight words so early in the year until I tried Scoopin Up Sight Words. :-)

  11. My kids are so motivated to learn sight words thanks to your scoopin sight words! You are such an inspiration!

    I don't have a Twitter but hopefully pinning it on Pinterest counts :)



