10 November 2012

Daily Schedule

This is something that is CONSTANTLY changing in my classroom.  I really work off of the vibe of the kids and how well they are working in different subject areas.  Some subjects may need a bit longer, and some a bit shorter.

Here is what my schedule looks like right now:

8:05-8:15 Morning Jobs:  exchange books, make lunch choice, sign in, get ready for calendar time
8:15-8:30 Morning songs (phonics songs right now), Daily Calendar. (We do SO many math skills during this time, it really does count towards my math block)
8:30-8:45 Daily News – this also included a lot of math and language skills.  I base my Daily News on what I want the children to review.
8:45-9:00 Poetry, sight word, letter/sound sorts, word family activities – We do something different each day.
9:00-9:30 Reader’s Workshop – I use Kim Adsit’s (AMAZING) reader’s workshop lessons for this.  It’s a life saver since I’ve never really done Reader’s Workshop in a format like this. (I’ll read with individuals and small groups during this time too)
9:30-10:00 Writer’s Workshop – I use a combination of my own lessons based on what the children need and Deedee Wills and Deanna Jump’s writing units for this.
10:00-10:30 Literacy Centers – here is another time I will pull small groups or individuals.  This is also our Tier 2 Intervention time.  We have our reading specialist and Title 1 paras pull our most at –risk kids during this time to work on skills.
10:30-11:00 This is kind of a squish space – some things take longer in the morning, some shorter.  I will also use this time to read books and do activities related to our theme.
11:00-11:30 Recess  - this time might be shorter or longer depending on the amount of layers we have on!
11:35-12 Lunch
12-12:30 Rest – during this time I read a story or watch a Tumblebook, assess kids, pull kids for intervention, or pull small groups.
12:30-1:30 Specials
1:30-2:00 Math Centers
2:00-2:20 Science/Social Studies – we use parts of the FOSS curriculum and part that was written by our Kinergarten Science Committee for science and TCI for Social Studies.
2:20-2:50 Play Time – This is a really important time for social development. (and remember they ARE only 5!) I can really see how kids interact with one another, if they share, how they speak with one another.  If I need to, I’ll also pull kids for intervention or assessment.  It’s usually short, because I know their minds are on chilling out with their friends!
2:50 Clean up and get ready to go home
3:00 Dismissal

I hope this helps! I am always struggling to fit things in.  We are CONSTANTLY moving throughout the day. We take advantage of ALL minutes of the day!

Let me know if you have questions!


  1. Your schedule looks so similar to mine!! You have math centers in the afternoon, does this ever include whole group math lessons? We have Go Math! As our utterly horrible new series, the lessons are taking me such a ridiculous long amount of time! Like an hour!! I love doing math centers, but list the time. It's so disturbing.

    1. We use Everyday Math ,and I supplement it quite a bit. I do a lot of new teaching/introducing of concepts during my calendar time. I will also try to squeeze some math learning into theme lessons. If I do have a quick lesson, I'll squeeze it in just before math centers (which only really take about 20 minutes). I'll also put explorations activities out during free play.

  2. Time management is always my biggest problem and something I'm continually trying to improve. Your schedule looks great and it's awesome that you get so much in! I'm tired just reading it. :)

    You Might Be a First Grader...

    1. I'm tired at the end of the day! But, I HAVE to keep moving - otherwise I start to get lazy!! I need to keep the kids going too - less time for goofing around when they are busy all the time ;)

  3. I love to hear that others having CONSTANT moving pieces!! I feel like nothing ever really stays the same! Thanks for sharing!!


    1. CONSTANTLY Sarah! I have a 20 minute drive to and from school every day, so I'm constantly reviewing the day in my head!

  4. I wish we still had rest time!! I think it's so important for kindergarten babies and mine are so worn out by the end of the day. I'm glad someone else thinks it's important to let them get that play time in too...so important to learn how to share and get along :)

    1. Rest time does evolve through the year. Not many of my kids are TRULY resting right now, but I think it's time just for that brain break. By the time they are quiet, rest time only lasts about 15 minutes (after the story!). It's a nice time for me to be able to pull an RTI group or do some assessments!

  5. I teach 1/2 day kindergarten at a title one school. We are only in session from 8:45-11:30 and we have to feed them breakfast in our classroom. It is so hard to squeeze everything in. We are becoming experts on using lessons than cover multiple concepts.

    1. Bless your heart. Ugh. I can't even imagine. It's time to start pushing your district for full day! It's not fair to you or the kids!

  6. Your schedule looks AWESOME! I'm really jealous that your kiddos still have a play time and a rest time. We have neither.....and I totally think that they need a little of each!!! Like you said, they ARE only 5!!! :-)

    Debbie :-)
    K is for Kinderrific

    1. Fight for it! It's so important! Especially play! Do you do literacy/math centers? You could incorporate play there too -- just make it focused on the desired standard!!

  7. What type of lesson plan/book do you use? I'm trying to update mine. I still use word, but am hoping for something better!!!

    1. I type it on my computer. I like having everything listed in order with times, etc. I also like that I have access to it when I'm at home - (our district issues laptops), so I can write my lessons at home, and change/modify if I'm sick or one of my kids is sick!

  8. I am so glad to see you have both a rest time and a play time. I have been feeling guilty for trying to fit that in. One day a week our rest time is in the computer lab and one day a week I try to show a signing time video. They LOVE it! We have a strange schedule because our lunch is so early (10:40-11:20 recess first then lunch). It leaves us with 2 1/2 hours straight in the afternoon. Yup...no breaks and nothing but me. I keep thinking I should love that time but I had been struggling with keeping it moving and "feeling" right. I am also using Reader's Workshop and Writer's workshop, and the afternoon is going better.

    Terri Izatt

    1. I love the idea of going to the computer lab once a week during rest time - it may be tricky since we have specials right away afterwards though... My mornings are long -- 8-11:30, but we get through it! They always go SO fast!

  9. Our schedules look very similiar. We have a 45 min block of play daily and they SO need it. I still have the hardest time getting in that science/soc studies component but sure do try. Thanks for all the great units you produce. I love using them during center time!

    1. I have a hard time getting it in too! But I try to teach in themes as much as I can - our science curriculum centers a lot around our reading series, which is nice. We just have a few FOSS things that don't quite fit it, but we figure it out! I do a lot of our social studies during our class meetings - and during the theme. It's HARD though!!!
