10 October 2012

Fire Safety and Fall Centers

Here’s a quick peek at our centers from this week:



This fun game is from my friend and Vegas roomie Deedee Wills.  The kids had a blast with this game – I think it might be a regular in our math bins!  You can find it in her Fire, Community Helper and Rescue Math Workstations packet.

IMG_4700   IMG_4701

This is a little ditty that I made up last year.  The children enjoy walking around with clipboards, and at this center, they were walking around counting acorns!


This one is also from Deedee – the children the picture based on the color code.  I had them roll the dice for a little more fun.  When they finished, they sorted the number cards.


This one is from Julie Lee. I don’t remember which pack it’s from -- Julie can you help me out?! The children practiced making fall patterns. They really enjoyed this activity!


This one uses the fill-in-the blank phonics stampers from Lakeshore.  LOVE these stampers!  I own both sets and use them quite frequently.  This time the children were writing in the beginning sound.


At this center, the children rolled the dice and wrote the beginning sound.  Great handwriting practice!  This one is from my It’s Fall Y’all Math and Literacy pack.


At this center, the children played Memory with upper and lowercase letter cards.  The cards are included in the packet, but I made it into a flipchart.  The kids had a blast with it.  (Sorry, I can’t share that flipchart because of clipart copyrights!)


And at this center, the children rolled the dice, read the color word, found the matching word and colored it.  I couldn’t find my master of the color words, so I had to quickly just write the words!  It works!  (This one is also in my fall pack).

Here’s some freebies to get you through the rest of your week! Hope you can use them!  Thanks for being such amazing readers and supporting me SO much!

sound scarecrow     roll a scarecrow

acorn count the room

download the signs {HERE}


  1. Always fabulous!!
    Sprinkles to Kindergarten

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love the centers you and Deedee create! I was wondering where I can get the soft dice you have pictured here. It looks like you can slide a card into each side. I have thought of so many uses for them, and now I just have to have them......Help me...my OCD wont let me forget about them. :)

  4. Such cute and great learning activities! Thanks for the freebies!
    Learning With Mrs. Brinn

  5. SUPER fantastic!!!!


  6. Love all of the fall stuff! My favorite season by far. I need to order those Lakeshore stamps!

    Kindergarten Simplicity

  7. I was also wondering where you got the soft dice from. I have a couple of your centers but my kids just squash the dice when they're made of paper. Help please!

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