18 October 2011

Fishing Up Some Fun!

Last week, we dove into the ocean!  We follow the Scott Foresman Reading Street series in our district and it was time for Life in An Ocean!


There is SO much that could be done with this unit, but I wanted to save some ocean fun for the spring too, when we’re all dreaming about the summer and the beach! (well, it’s a lakeshore – no ocean beaches around here!).

Our new science curriculum fits in perfectly to this book.  We are in the beginning stages of adopting parts of the FOSS curriculum, and the amazing K science team have come up with some great correlations to our SF curriculum.

So, we had some new arrivals to our classroom:


I don’t think you can really see them floating around.  We started with 5…then 4…then 3…ahem.  We have 2 little goldfish friends left.  Bubbles and Otto.  Fred went to fishy heaven shortly after this photo was taken.  But, we also have some guppy friends too! I don’t have a pic of their little home, but they live right next to the goldies.  Hopefully, after our 5 day break…they’ll still be doing just that…living.

We had fun learning about the structures of a fish, how to care for a fish, what living things need, and just observing these little fellas. 

We also had lots of fun in our math and literacy centers too.  Here they are:



(plus a couple of standard centers – sound sorting, and beginning sound roll and write)

and the Math Centers:


And the science and math center for free choice time:


Here’s my post from last year’s ocean unit too!


  1. Do you share your printables? I really like these and would like to know where to get them? Thanks.

  2. Wonderful! Love any copies you'll share!

  3. Love your ideas! Just a suggestion: a pet store owner told me about Mosquito fish. They tend to do a little bit better in a fish bowl or unfiltered tank. Just thought I would share that tidbit.

  4. I am a avid reader of your blog! Our district also using Reading Street. If you're sharing... could you please send me these great ideas?!? :) Thanks so much! meganchristensen08@gmail.com
