29 August 2011

Classroom Pics

I finally got a chance to snap a few quick pics as I was heading out the door today.  Man, these last few days have been cah-razy!  I’m loving my new little kinders though! They are doing such a fantastic job!  We have been going through all the expectations and routines over the past 4 days, and today we actually did math centers! Wow! Can you believe it?! I’m so excited Smile 

So here’s my room – don’t look too closely…there are piles everywhere!!  I’ll try to take some more detailed pics later, but for now, here is an overview:

This is a view from the door to my classroom looking towards the front.  Immediately to the left is our coat area. I dislike having the coat area in my room because I loose so much valuable space!  *See my rainbow board ala Julie Lee?  It is working WONDERFULLY!  The kiddos LOVE it!*


From the front door looking at the back of the classroom.  To the immediate right of the picture is the tile floor area – counter space, sink, and bathroom are there.


Manipulatives/toys are housed in the little book shelf (blocks, legos, bristle blocks, round stackers – I’ll change these out periodically).  The play kitchen is also back there.


Here is our little reading area and writing center.  The writing center is not finished yet! ahhhh!  The flowers are for our name word wall – yep, you guessed it – not done yet Winking smile


The little table to the left of this picture is my little work table – I can also use this table for assessments or working with 1 or 2 children.  You can see our art easel, mailboxes and bathroom in this pic.  The open door to the left leads to another K classroom (which used to be first grade).


Here’s one of my little messy areas!  Daily supplies…(ahem…including the diet coke…see it?!)


And another catch-all messy place.  This is right across from the picture above (behind the mailboxes).  I decided to take over this counter space for me – drawers to organize papers, supplies – and to just stash stuff until I know what to do with it.  I also have a bookshelf with my favorite books (above behind the red and white curtain).


Ahhh….so there you go! Please ignore the mess! I know we all have it – especially at the beginning of the year when we are all trying to keep our heads on straight!

One more thing – two fabulous ladies have started a new blog! Kim Adsit and her daughter Megan have teamed up to write a blog together! I’m so excited to see what they come up with this year!! Be sure to go and check them out!



  1. Your room looks great! I love the word wall area. What are the apples for?

  2. Thanks Kathleen, I only hope our blog is half as good as yours. You're great!

  3. Great Room! Love the pennant garland on your windows! Did you make that?

  4. I love the flowers for your soon-to-be name word wall. And the lamp in front of it is very cool!

    Grade ONEderful

  5. Hi Kathleen!
    I continue to follow your blog! You are truly amazing with the wonderful ideas you have been sharing. I love the pictures of your room! I wish I could visit your classroom! Way to go!
    One question for you- have you started the "calendar books" with your class? I loved the "freebies" you have for calendar time. Any suggestions would be great from you! Looking forward to more pictures of your activities from your classroom! Do you plan to sell more ideas on TPT? Have a good weekend soon!

  6. Looks beautiful!! A question...how many Kinders do you have this year?

  7. @S. Parker - the apples are our growing number line - I take one down each day - I got this idea from one of my lovely friends! We count up to the number every day and predict the pattern (it doesn't take long for them to figure it out because it's just an AB pattern!) - every 5th is also an "eaten" apple so it helps for them to see that pattern for counting by 5s (and 2s!)

    @Lori - Thanks! Yep - I made the pennant! I LOVE IT! It adds a nice splash of color, and didn't take long to make it all - no sew! Just an iron and some stitch witchery!

    @Maryann - I haven't started my calendar books yet - I usually start in September, but I was slow getting my papers off to our print shop -- oops! So, I think I'll wait until October to start - no problem though! That just gives them a few more weeks to get used to everything!

    @ Jen - I have a small class this year - we were able to split off into a 3rd section so we have 16 (me), 15 and 15. I am LOVING my small class!!! We can get SOOOOO much done and every one is figuring things out REALLY quickly! :)

  8. Hey Kathleen! I'm sure you'll get a bunch of these, but....I'm awarding you one of Tamara's "Top Ten Teaching Blog" awards:) Go here to get your award button:) http://bit.ly/rtHPbL
    Visit my blog to see the post:)
    Little Warriors

  9. Your room is amazing! Mine pales in comparison. Our rooms are so small and funds are very limited for supplies, furniture, etc. My chairs don't even match :( I have mostly hand me down stuff.
    I noticed you have a Scentsy warmers. I am a consultant and have the same one. Many of the teachers at my school have ordered that warmer :)

  10. Thank you for sharing wonderful content! I put you on my TOP TEN LIST

    Go to Teaching Blog Addict and grab your button!

  11. You have a fantastic blog and I have nominated your blog a top 10! Go here to get you award http://bit.ly/rtHPbL and check out my post here:

  12. I just voted you as one of my Top 10 blogs! Thanks for being such an inspiration to new bloggers! You are appreciated by this Kinder teacher….FOR SURE!!
    Live Love Laugh Everyday In Kindergarten

  13. Just wanted to stop by and thank you for your “Teaching Manners-Monster Fun” download. The class and I loved the story “The Day a Monster Came to School”. The kids were shocked {and seemingly appalled} that the monster in the story was throwing things in the classroom, dumping toys on the floor, and screaming at the top of his lungs! It was a great story to emphasize that we don’t want any “monsters” in our classroom this year. Loved the content and design. Thank you for sharing and touching the lives of so many. Check out my back to school post about your download.

    First Grade Factory

  14. I love the foam squares in your group area. Where did you find them?

  15. Is your SMART Board stool purchased or made?
