13 July 2011

Promethean Tutorials?

I am thinking of doing a series of basic tutorials for those of you that are using Promethean Interactive White Boards and ActivInspire.  What I need to know is....what do you want to know how to do?  Leave a comment below telling me what kinds of tutorials you would like to see!


  1. Yes please!! I'm moving to a classroom that has Promethean and I've been used to a Smartboard. I'd be interested in understanding a) how to set the board up for Kinders to use 'freestyle' and b) how to make and save flipcharts. My level of ignorance is such that I don't know what I don't know (to quote Mr Rumsfeld) so pretty much anything you feel like teaching me will be new. Thanks, and love the blog btw.

  2. I have Activevotes but don't know how to use them and use them with kinders. I received my board last year and used it as a glorified whiteboard. I'd like to know how to get the most out of the board. I'm definitely a newbie to using a Promethean Board. Great blog!

  3. That would be great! I would like to know how to go about changing a flipchart...like the ones posted on Promethean Planet. Thanks!

  4. Making a game and adding clip art and a cool background. I want something that will look interesting to the kids! I saw some cool things where things "magically" appear when the kids color that space or something (I think I'm remembering correctly). Really, anything you can teach would be AWESOME. I would any type of tutorial because the training session we had at my school was sort of useless. They taught us the most basic of basics that I could already figure out myself just by playing around for a minute. Waste of tiiiiiiime! I would much rather a tutorial because then I can do it on my own time, skim etc. And I'm sure you'll go into more depth and show more useful things than the presenter did. I got info on how to turn it on etc.

  5. Would so love some tutoring from you!! I am getting a Promethean Board for this school year. I will be the only classroom in my bldg. to have one. I will not be receiving any training from the district until 5 days before school starts. Would love to have some flipcharts ready to go. Anything you would want to teach would be great. I am really interested in some basic management type things ie., attendance, lunch choice, backgrounds, adding clip art, those types of things. I love, love, love your blog...you are awesome!!

  6. I'm with Kristen I would love something beyond the basics. I love the cute clipart and tabels and conatiners and magic ink - but not sure how to do it without stressing myself out. I have ActivInspire. Is this the program you have? I noticed you can copy/paste from a pdf or almost anything into it. I just don't know how I did it :). Any help would be great. I was actually thinking of making maybe a Daily Fix It, Daily Math Problem, and maybe a quick phonics lesson of some sort and so on for the year. I was going to add a week at a time. What if we all created a weeks worth and combined them??? Just throwing out ideas.

  7. I have had mine for about a year and have done pretty well with it. I would however like to see some magic ink. I would also like to make some self correcting stations for my kids to use during center time. I know that things can make noises when you get them correct but didn't have much luck when I tired it myself. So I would like info on that too! Thanks!

  8. I may be wrong, but can't you use Smartboard files on a promethean board? If that is the case I have several to share at my blog!
    Spotlight on Kindergarten

  9. Getting a new promethean this year! What do you like to do on it most? Favorite interactive websites or promethean flipcharts that you love?

  10. That is such a great idea! I wish those were around 3 years ago when I got my board!!!! That would have been helpful. Maybe we could share flipcharts? I've got tons and I'm sure you do too!

    Kindergarten Korner

  11. You are an answer to my prayers! I got a PB at the beginning of last year. I found an absolutely wonderful calendar on Promethean Planet and the children loved doing it. However, now I need one for this year and I do not know how to change the dates on the months for the new year! I also want to learn how to make flipcharts. Liz in South Dakota

  12. I have a smartboard, but I use the Promethean Activeinspire program all the time on it. I like the flipcharts you can get on Promethean Planet. I would love to learn how to make my own cute/engaging ones for use across the curriculum. Sometimes it's impossible to find exactly what you want that someone has already made, and when I make flipcharts, they aren't nearly as fun because I don't know how to add all the cool effects. Any tutorials you create would be greatly appreciated!!! :-)

  13. Love my Promethean board, so any topic would be great. I can usually create flip charts and calendars but haven't figured out magic ink and the "spy" glass reveler. Can't wait to see what you create.

  14. This will be my first year with a promethean board and know nothing about it. I would love a tutorial on the basics. Thanks so much! I'm a HUGE fan of your blog!

  15. Is a promethean board similar to a smartboard? I have a smartboard and know quite a bit about it but would love more ideas and would like to know how to add new fonts and clipart. Thanks!

  16. Hi Kathleen, I have been reading your fabulous blog for a little while, but am a first time commenter. I am an Aussie student teacher, about to complete my last 4 week teaching block and my degree. My teaching block class has a Promethean IWB and I would love to learn anything I can before entering their classroom. I am used to Smartboards... Thanks so much, I am really looking forward to your tutorials!! ~ Tina :)

  17. Yea!!! What a great idea. My board just got installed a couple weeks ago. I am somewhat familiar with all the basics, but would love to know more about the layers. If I were to take a cute graphic and place a word over it, how do I make it move as one? Does that make sense? Also the containers. They are so cool, but a little confusing.
    I love your blog! Come share with me! I am planning on putting a bunch of stuff I create on a TPT account for free. Do you use Treasures by chance?

  18. That would be awesome! Do you ever upload your flipcharts to promethean planet to share?

  19. I love the idea, Growing Kinders, but the ActivTips on the Promethean Planet website are awesome. I teach Promethean classes in my district, and I have found these tips to be a fabulous resource for all levels of Promethean users. After logging on Promethean Planet, simply go to the Professional Development tab and choose ActivTips. Scott Caufield is witty and fun to learn from as he guides you through the steps. You will love it!

  20. I would love to see tutorials about Promethean Boards! I received one last spring a really just kind of taught myself by trial and error. I would like to do my morning calendar and meeting on this but really anything would be great!

  21. Yes! I got a Promethean Board on the last day of school, so will be using this year! I took an ActivInspire course through my school district on creative flipcharts but am still having trouble with them. Would love to see your tutorials!!!

  22. I love my Promethean Board and am kind of lost without it. I'm pretty confident with creating basic flip charts but I'm always looking for new ways to use it. I loop so I teach kindergarten and then first the next year with the same group. I got my board at the end of kindergarten 2 years ago and mostly used it in first grade. So I'm definitely interested in ways to use it with kinders. Love your blog. I just discovered teaching blogs and am loving the community it creates. Thanks!

  23. Hey Kathleen, I am just seeing this post. Have you ever done the tutorials? If so, where can I find them? Thanks for all of the great ideas you've shared. I would be interested in learning all about the promethean board. I am moving into a classroom with one and I need some guidance!

    1. I was told that there are lots of great tutorial on Promethean planet! I figured I would let the experts do them! :)
