31 July 2011

August Calendar Songs

We go back to school on the 24th, and I don’t usually start calendar book with the kids until September, but I thought I would post these calendar songs just in case some of you need them for August!

Again, it is from Jessica Meacham’s site.


I’m heading off to the lake today, but I’ll be back soon with a big announcement!


  1. Thank You! I truly appreciate all of your generosity.

  2. I love her website and had temporarily forgotten about it. Thanks for the reminder! I need some new calendar songs. :)

  3. Yes, I love these!! Where do you find them on her site? I can't find them.

    Welcome to Room 36

  4. I ADORE your blog! What font do you use for the words in the calendar song?

  5. The font is doodle basic from Lettering Delights - if you click on the "monkey" in my sidebar it will take you there!

  6. The calendar songs are under the calendar section - barb's calendar inserts I think it's called!

  7. Kathleen, thanks so much, I will be going on there and getting that font. I love it! I am excited about your sale too. I have quite a few things in my wish list that I can now purchase tonight :)

  8. Hi! So I have read your blog a few times now and cannot seem to find the Song for September! I have all but one! Please help! Thanks!
