20 June 2011

I’m flippin’ out!

I’m flippin’ out (bun not in a Jeff Lewis way though!) I am making flip charts!  I went to a 2 day (INTENSE) training for ActivInspire and Promethean Active Boards.  We sat from 8-4 for 2 days learning all the ins and outs of the software.  I had a good idea where to start since I have had my board for 2 years, but I mostly figured things out on my own.  I was glad to find that there was an easier way to do most things and they’re all pretty easy to me now! {Even containers!!}

I was inspired by Debbie Diller’s Math Workstation book to create a few flipchart pages.  They’re pretty simple because I want to be able to share them with other teachers in my district, but take a peek:

Picture 1

There are 2 options for this one – at first the children can pull a colored dot (duplicate), and then later use the highlighter.Picture 2

Super duper simple – just grab a coconut and match it up with the domino.

Picture 3

This one is using a cute little revealer (magic ink) that I downloaded from promethean.  Again, super simple, but great for beginning number concepts.

Picture 4Picture 5Picture 6

With these 3 pages, I wanted to use the dot sheets that Fran made over at Kindergarten Crayons.  This is a good way to introduce as a whole group.  The children will put the numbers in the right order first, and then count out the correct number of cookies (which are hidden “in” the jar) to the correct spots.Picture 8

This one uses the hidden feature. The children tap the apple to reveal a side of a die, count the dots, and write the correct number.

Picture 9

This is the 5 frame game that is in Debbie Diller’s book.  This page is intended to use for whole group teaching and to teach the game.

Picture 10

Here is the game for partners.  I played it with my 9 year old daughter, and she thought it was super fun! Simple, but fun!

Picture 11

Spin the spinner and add the correct number of apples to the wagon.

Picture 12

This one looks very blah, doesn’t it?! But, I was able to master containers!!! The shapes are nice and colorful, so once they are up there it looks a little bit prettier!

Picture 13

Grab and graph – the shapes are hidden behind the square.  I added the math talk bubbles so that the kids (ahem…I) remember to use that wording!

Picture 14

Same concept as the apple tree, just using pennies.Picture 15

And as a partner game.

What do you think? I am still working my way through chapter 4, but I am LOVING this book so far!

I have one more thing I need to admit….I had my first back to school dream of the summer on Saturday. Seriously.  So. Not. Ready.  It was the usual horror story of not being ready – my room still in boxes, nothing ready, the kids were HORRIBLY naughty.   Ugh, I hate those dreams, and it is way too early in the summer to start!


  1. Are you going to share these awesome tool for the smartboard? I would love to use them!


  2. Wow!!! I wish I had easy access to a smartboard!!

    Thanks for sharing!
    Primary Connections

  3. Holy cow. You've been busy! I have the same question {and name...ha!} as the first comment. Are Promethean board & Smart Board activities interchangeable? I just got my Smart Board in May and don't know much about it yet. :) Thanks for sharing!

    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

  4. LOVE these! Where can I find the unifix cube clip art??? I've been looking for a few weeks and cannot find any!


  5. These look awesome! You have been one busy lady! Oh, and I've already had "the dream" too! Yuck!

  6. I LOVE these! You have inspired me.
    I'm Joliprinting your post so I can savor these wonderful activities.

  7. *love* Jeff Lewis! Your math activities are pretty cool, too =) I like to present my kids with activities that aren't too detailed (especially at the beginning of the year) ...so these would be perfect! Thanks for sharing!!

  8. Sorry to do this anonymously but something is up with my google connection... These are absolutely fabulous. I have a new promethean board and would love this kind of training. I know how to run it but now I want to learn how to make the flipcharts! Did the company come out and do the training? Could you post more info about it? Thanks!

  9. Can you please email these to me!? I love them!! Kclark@bataviacsd.org

  10. These are so great for number sense! What great activities to use on the Smartboard. Will you be sharing them?

  11. Sadly, the fabulous promethean board activities can NOT be used on a Smartboard. Smartboard can go to Promethean, but not the other way around. :( I have a Smartboard, and am always finding great Promethean board things... *sigh*

  12. Thanks beachliesl - I thought that was the case! If anyone is interested in this flipchart, send me an e-mail.

  13. Thank you so much for sharing..these look awesome!! I am loving the book, too!

    Toadally Awesome in Kindergarten

  14. Absolutely love these! I need to learn to make these. I would love a copy.

  15. I would love a copy of these for my promethean board. They are fabulous!

  16. Sorry to post annonymous but something is wrong with my google act. I was hoping to get a copy of your flipcharts. I also noticed you had a calendar flipchart in one of your April posts. Is there any way you could share this flipchart. I am working on finishing a flipchart to go along with my calendar binders and yours was a great flipchart. I am hoping to figure out these flipcharts and create some to share as well.
    Thanks so much!!

  17. These flipcharts are awesome!! If you are willing to share, I would love a copy of them: sarah.perry10@gmail.com. Thanks so much!!

  18. These look awesome! I wish I had a smartboard :(

    Please visit my blog and follow me www.pocketfullofkinders.blogspot.com

  19. Can you use these on a smartboard too? If so, are you sharing them? I would love to use them. You have also inspired me to start doing calendar journals. I can not wait!!


  20. These are fabulous! I am a new follower and I would love them! How can I download them? You are a wonderful teacher! :)
    And thank you for participating in the Birthday giveaway! :)

  21. Hi I'm a new follower and would love these flip charts. I was also wondering if you could give me more info on the training you attended. I would love to attend the training. I plan to beg my principal to send me...cross your fingers


  22. I have been using the Promethean for 2 years and have NEVER made a flip chart like this!!!! I am amazed at what you have done.

    Faithful in First

  23. I have a Mimio...is that the same thing as a promethean board? I love all of you ideas and would love to have these! If they would work with my Mimio could you e-mail them to me at LindsM12@gmail.com

  24. Hi. I too have a ACTIVboard. Do you make these available to download? Just curious...would love them!

  25. Can you please send these to me too. I have a smartboard....notebook software.

  26. Aloha, I would love these files as well. They are amazing. My email addy is cingalls@parkerschool.net. Thank you, I appreciate your time and energy in making and sharing these. Christian Ingalls

  27. Sorry for posting anonymously.

    I just wanted to say thanks for all the wonderful ideas and inspiration that you give to us! We've been using Activboards for 5 years and haven't been able to create anything this engaging! What was the name of the conference that you went to? My colleagues and I would love to attend it sometime. If you are still sharing these files, I'd love to have a copy of them. Thanks so much!

    Mrs. Murphy

  28. Would love to use these flipcharts with my kids. Would you email them to me?


  29. I love these math ideas. My students and I use a Mimio and I can totally create these using my Mimio software. Thank you for the ideas, I can't wait to try these out on my Mimio board.


  30. These are great! I would love to use these flipcharts with my kids. Would you email them to me?


  31. These are wonderful! I love using my Promethean Board, but unfortunately I don't have much time to create my own flip charts. Thank you so much for sharing these ideas!
    I would love a copy if you decide to send them out to anyone.

  32. I LOVE your flipcharts! You do an amazing job and would love to have them for my kiddos. Thanks for sharing!


  33. Your flipcharts are great! I would love to use them in my classroom! Do you mind to email them to me? Thanks for sharing!


  34. I just literally stumbled onto your blog, and it is so amazing. I have a feeling I am going to be spending a lot of time here! LOL. I would love to have a copy of your flipcharts if you are sharing them. I got a promethean board last year so I feel like I was finally starting to get the hand of it by the end of the year. God Bless!

  35. I just got a Promethean board last February and have been learning the ins and outs of it too! Would you be willing to post or send me your flip-charts so we can use them too? I think they are great! Thanks!

  36. I would love to have these Promethean Board flip charts! Super job! kmstreety@yahoo.com

  37. love love love! And would LOVE to have it!! Kristenp81@gmail.com

  38. I love your flip charts! Please email ALL of them to me. :)

  39. These look great! Can I have a copy? dlfair@comsouth.net

  40. This are so great! I am an Instructional Technology Specialist in Texas and would LOVE to share these with my teachers. Can you email them to me at angie_hintz@roundrockisd.org I would love to post them on our Flipchart wiki at http://rrisd-flipcharts.wikispaces.com/ Would you let me know if I have permission from you to do so? Otherwise I'll just share with my Kinder teachers.
    Thank you!

  41. Would love to have these wonderful flipcharts! Just getting started with my Promethean board and I am so excited to have it.


  42. Hello,
    I have visited your blog many times and am a follower...but I hadn't ever seen this page before! Maybe that's because I didn't have a Mimio before! It's going to be set up over Spring Break, I was told. Are you willing to share these files? I would LOVE to use them.

  43. Hi! I love these flipcharts to use with my Kinders! If you could email them to me I would love it! Thanks!

  44. I love these! Anyway I get them?


  45. I would love to have these flip charts, too! ashsmith81@yahoo.com

  46. I would looooooooooove if if you could send me these flipcharts! They rock!!!

  47. Are you sharing? I would love to have the coconut tree and monkey number activities to use in the classroom. Can you send them to forever_chocolate@hotmail.com? Thanks in advance.

  48. I came across this post, while searching for Promethean activities for my kinders. I know you posted this a long time ago, but if you don't mind sharing, I would LOVE a copy to use! Thanks!


  49. Hi Kathleen, You are my go to Godess! If you are still willing to share these flip charts, I would love them! biz1967@hotmail.com Thanks! Laurie

  50. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! You are so wonderful! I still don't know how to make a flipchart - I wish I could go to a really good training like it seems you have! :)

    Can I get a copy of these flipcharts? rachel.schmitt@wbrschools.net


  51. I know this is an old post but I'd love to have a copy of this flipchart!

  52. LOVE these! They would be PERFECT for my kindergarteners!!!!! If available, could you send them my way?? I HAVE to take a class so I can learn how to do these myself.


  53. I would love to have a copy of these! If do not mind sharing:) mstroman@ptisd.org

  54. I would love to have a copy of these! If do not mind sharing:) mstroman@ptisd.org

  55. Wow I would love a copy of these for my classroom too!! would you mind sharing? Jaytay03@gmail.com

  56. I just switched from Smartboard to Promethean and am having a hard time finding quality pages. I LOVE these! I know it's an old post but I would still love any of these! Thanks in advance! Donna

  57. I just switched from Smartboard to Promethean and am having a hard time finding quality pages. I LOVE these! I know it's an old post but I would still love any of these! Thanks in advance! Donna

  58. These are amazing!! Are they on Teachers Pay Teachers or anywhere for us to download? They would be so useful in my classroom. I know my students would love them!

  59. Hello, These are wonderful flip charts. I just moved to kindergarten and would love to use these with my kiddos. Could you email me a copy?
