05 May 2011

Is it May Already?

The last two weeks have been a whirlwind for me!  After I finished this beast: (all 80 pages of it)


I started having visions of sugarplums dancing in my head…these are my sugarplums:


It’s recital week.  That means rehearsals, hair, bobby pins, tights, shoes….AND it’s my daughter’s 9th birthday tomorrow!


{LOVE these girls!}

So, in all of this craziness, I realize that I had forgotten to post May calendar songs! Without further ado…

The first song is my “fancied up” version from Kim Adsit’s Calendar Pack.  She has a song for every month! If you want to get started with calendar book, you really should pick up her resource – she has got everything you need to get started and keep adding to your calendar book throughout the year!  The second song is from Jessica Meacham’s site.

P.S. Tomorrow is FRIDAY!
As always, leave me a comment if you download – comment love makes the blogging world go ‘round!


  1. Love makes the blogging world go 'round...for sure! Congrats on finishing your paper! Thank you for these two wonderful songs {that are now stuck in my head}. You have great ideas so thank you again for sharing! Those are two of the cutest sugarplums I've ever seen!!!

    Oh and Happy FRI.DAY. to you!


  2. Thank you! I've been waiting for this. Looking at your 80 page book makes my head hurt. Way to go girl!!You have darling girls!


  3. Thank you so much. This is really going to help my ELL students learn their months.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  4. Kathleen, Your girls are beautiful! Happy Mother's Day and bless your family. Thanks for all you share!

  5. Thanks for sharing the songs I will add them to my calendar. .... BTW.... quick question....how do you post your goggle documents on your blog? If you have time please let me know...I haven't been able to figure it out....thanks Sue

  6. Thanks so much! I am trying to put together a calendar book for next year. I have purchased Kim's calendar pack, but it's a lot of reading! :D Hopefully I will have time to really dive into it!

  7. New to your site - it's fabulous and very appreciated by a new teacher! Thanks for sharing and Happy Mother's Day!

  8. Your month songs are great! We have been singing them in my class since I discovered your blog in March. My kids asked me when it was May what is our new month song? And I went, ummm I don't know it hasn't been posted yet! Hehe! (We sang an insect one instead) So I will have some happy kinders tomorrow! Thanks so much for sharing!!! Love all your stuff!

  9. Thanks for everything you share. I will be teaching kindergarten in the fall for the first time! I need all the help I can get! :)

  10. LOVE LOVE LOVE! Thank you soo much! I trekked over to the "song" blog and she is GREAT! Thank you soo much for sharing!!

    And your sugar plums are lovely!!
    Sarah Hetrick

  11. I homeschool my kids and the love these songs. Thanks so much!!!

  12. Please help -- i can't print the May Song -- not sure what i am doing wrong! I have printed all of the other songs and just need May to have a complete set! Thanks!

