17 April 2011

Schedule–Morning Work

Awwww….the bane of my existence.  Constantly evolving and changing.  If you asked my friends, they would tell you that I can never quite figure out my schedule. I think my schedule changed at least once a month this year!

At the beginning of the year, you never know what your kiddos can do, how long they can listen, when the specialists come in, RTI time…..Then they start being able to work a bit longer, listen a bit longer, do more “real” work. 

I’ll break this up into different parts – today, I’ll start with what I do each day for morning work:

Morning Work {8:05-8:25ish}

We have a morning breakfast program which doesn’t start until 7:55…which means all of my little kindergarten sweet hearts aren’t back from breakfast until about 8:30 – especially in the winter with ALL of their winter gear.  This is a tough time because not all students are eating breakfast.  This year, I have a pretty big number that are, so I can’t really go on with something with half of the class gone! I’ve tried lots of different things this year: random worksheet pages (hate), math centers (worked pretty good), and now I have a set thing day to day..

Monday: Math Masters Monday (more to come!) Here’s a sneak peek:


Tuesday: Tubaloo Tuesday: The kids get new A-Z books to work on through the week on accuracy and fluency (at home). They use a Toobaloo to read their books – how exciting! They also write down their sight words for the week to hang on their fridge. (Thanks Miss J. for this rockin’ idea!)


Wednesday: Word Work Wednesday: This is usually some sort of sentence cut apart and re-assemble and re-write.


Thursday: Think it Through – usually some sort of math problem solving or other activity. (Often it’s anything that I had left over from the previous week!)


Friday: Fix-It Up Fridays –  The kiddos LOVE these fix it sheets!!


As always, if you like what you see, leave me a quick note!


  1. This is fantastic! I too struggle with the same issues - breakfast, people in and out, some students being there right when the door opens, etc. It's so frustrating to find something that is "just right" for that time. I love your titles for the days of the week - think I'm going to borrow and test them out if you don't mind. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I liked the Checked by My Friend at the end of the Fix It Up. Do the students do this during Writer's Workshop, top? If so, I'd love to read more about it.

  3. I love the detail description along with the sample! Thanks for the downloads!

  4. Hi!
    I love all of these great ideas for morning work. It would def. make things easier if I can focus on a certain area each day. Would you mind sharing these files with me or can I purchase them? My email is: gtmitchell19@aol.com

    Thank You,

  5. Your ideas are great! My kids love your fix it worksheets too. I would gladly purchase any of your other worksheets above if you had packets available. :). Thanks for the lovely resources!

  6. love these my youngest just turned 5 in march and has started reading sight words and doing that math so thank you so much for sharing.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts in kids that are going into kindergarten this coming fall that are already doing some kindergarten work?

  7. I love the sight word idea that is hung on the refrigerator. I have all the sight words on necklaces that go home and you sing the letters to a song! So...corny.
    Thanks for all the ideas. I do the scrambled words too but... at this time of year I have empty lines for them to write the sentence. Check it out on my blog under plants.

  8. I am lucky enough this year that all of my kiddos come in at 8:45 every morning, so I do not have to worry about morning work - especially since I only get to see them for 2 hours a day max. I love, love, love your Fix It Up worksheet! This looks like such fun, I will have to try this out with my class! Thanks for posting!

  9. I can't wait to get my hands on these activities!!! They are great. My kids LOVE doing the FIX-IT sheets and they are really getting great at them. They surprise me!!!


  10. Hi Kathleen,

    Thanks for sharing! I purchased and have been using your Fix it up! sentences. (The kids really enjoy being the "editor" of their friend's work!) I like your Math Masters. Will you be posting more or putting them up on TPT?

    ~ Amy

  11. I love your Fix-It sentences! I teach first grade, and our reading series gives a daily prompt for the kids to proof... so I've turned it into a "Fit It Up" for them! I have it on their desk in the morning every day. I've been wanting to share them, but I couldn't remember who to credit the idea to - thanks for reminding me!! :-)


  12. I love all of your ideas here...thank you so much for sharing! I, too, will gladly purchase the activities if you are willing to put them up. You make such cute pages and I really think my kids are going to love it!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  13. Thanks for all the nice notes everyone! The fix-it pages are available at my TpT store - if you need a link, send me an e-mail!

    I am working on the Math Masters pack as well as the sentence reconstruction. I'm SUPER busy right now finishing up my last semester of grad school. My final paper is due May 2 and that date is CREEPING up!!

    Keep checking in, and follow my TpT store so you will know when I post something new as I will not be posting it on my blog!


  14. I love all your ideas...do you have any more of your examples you put here...I would love to get more...I am willing to pay....thank you for all your great ideas!!!


  15. My colleague is finishing up her Masters program. I wish you well, Kathleen! But, please do hurry up --- I am so excited to purchase more of your resources! ;)

  16. We are required to have an "Entry Task" each morning for the students while we take care of attendance and such. I'm constantly looking for something more exciting for my kids to do - they get bored easily. Thanks for sharing your great ideas. I think I'm kids are finally up to the fix it sentences...now that we have less than 30 day of school left!

  17. I love these!!! So great!!! Thank you for sharing them!


  18. What a great idea to break up skills throughout the week. Then the students know what is planned for each day. I purchased your Fix it Ups and would love to purchase the other pages that go along with your morning work if you make them available.

  19. Thanks for sharing your GREAT ideas! As always, I love them!

  20. LOve it!!!! You are such a talented and creative teacher. What you have here is that for your kids now? At the beginning of the year are they easier and more basic things. Thanks!!!

    You rock!!!

  21. Your blog is so inspirational. Thank you for all that you do. What is the name of the font you use for the children to trace on the Word Work Wednesday sheet.
    Thanks again,


  22. Hi Kathleen!!!! Love your blog so much!!! Do you share your blank template for the Fit It's? I would LOVE to have it if you do!!! eden_capps@scps.k12.fl.us

  23. I love the idea of working on a different skill every day of the week consistently so they know what is coming!!! Do you find that the kids get upset if they didn't get to complete the activities? I have done Math Centers every morning for the past few months for that very reason...

  24. Kathleen,

    Where did you find the "fix it up" sheets! They look perfect!

  25. I love these ideas. Can you send me the link on the TPT?

  26. Here is the link to the Fix-It Up sheets on TpT:

  27. Kathleen - hoping you make ALL of these resources for sale!! I want them ALL!! Great job!!
    Laurie Ayers

  28. Wow! Those are some great ideas! What happens for those kiddos who are at breakfast too late and miss the activity? I was just curious. I have 2nd graders so they can do a little bit more, but I do a reading time 2 mornings a week-where they get to read from their book boxes and 2 days a week we do a math review sheet. Fridays are for catch up time to finish any unfinished work. I like the math tub idea you had as well.

  29. I love the Fix it Up sheet! I could see my kiddos really having a lot of fun with these! Thanks for sharing!

    <a href="http://mrsfischerskindergarten.blogspot.com/>Mrs.FischersKindergarten</a>

  30. @tigeriffic - I haven't quite figured out what to do about the kids that come late! If they are SUPER late, they just get a start on it, and I send it home. Our first bell is at 8:05, tardy bell at 8:15, and kids come in from breakfast anywhere from 8:15-8:30. Some are able to quickly finish, others are not. I might work with them later in the day to finish as well.

  31. Hi!
    I would love to have copies of your morning work and anything in Transportation...we are starting a unit in May. I love your blog!

    Thank you! Thank you!


  32. LOVE LOVE your blog!!! Thanks for sharing your creativity! I especially love the "the flowers are purple"..cut up sentences page...do you have anymore of these??
    Thanks ! Neecee

  33. Hi, I just came across your blog. I am a Canadian Kindergarten teacher, many years of experience. Our Kindergarten learning outcomes do not have any of this level of work or writing. We play more, we have full day K and absolutely NO homework. Our international testing scores rank third in the world for literacy and fifth in math and science. I can't believe how much stuff and activities you have in your classroom! Our classrooms are more simple. How come the USA isn't doing so well in the international scores (27th to 33rd)? With such a fabulous start you are giving your students where does it go off the rails? We have many immigrant students, social problems as well...usually 22 students per class. Your students produce excellent quality work, more grade one level for us. Am I not getting something?

  34. Love this Fix it page! My student's would love it!

  35. Love this blog! When you have more morning work things posted, I would love to see it!
