05 January 2011


We have spent this week learning about snow and snowmen!  The children have had a blast, and we were SOOO happy that we were finally able to make it outside.  You see, here in frigid North Dakota, there are many days we can’t go outside because it is just too cold!! On Monday, the windchill was –17 degrees.  Yep, that a MINUS in front of that 17.  And that’s not even the coldest it gets! eeek!!
So, we’ve been staying cozy and warm reading books about snowmen.
Here are the books we’ve read so far:

And for Thursday and Friday:
Throughout the week, we have been working in our “Snowmen Fun!” books. 
You can download the labels that I used here and the cover graphic here! The children LOVE making these books, they are so meaningful to them.  Deana Jump introduced me to them, and I would have to say, I am addicted!  Can’t wait for mittens next week!
I saw this in a friend's room a few years ago it is a quick and easy art/literacy project you can do with your kiddos!  We did this on an inside recess day - super easy to prep!


  1. First of all, DARLING ideas! But I'm still stuck on the part of your story where you said MINUS 17!!!!! WHAT?!?!?! I would DIE. If it drops below 60 here in Texas I'm putting on layers and layers of clothes and pulling out the parka & earmuffs. I can't handle the cold for a second!! Sending sunshine and warmth your way!!

  2. Thanks for shairng your labels. I can't wait to share them with my kids.


  3. Love the journal! Thanks for sharing. I'm doing this TODAY! This week has been all about snow and snowmen... PERFECT!

  4. Cute stuff! We do the snowmen, but we use our last names and we graph them. Love it!

  5. Julie - I have done the last names as well! We did this project for something quick when we stayed in for recess - I pulled it together quickly, and decided that with this group I would do first names. I love this project because you CAN pull it together quickly! I prepped it when my frozen meal was in the microwave!!

    Cara - YES! Minus 17!! And that is not even the coldest it gets. It's horrible. There was an article in the paper last week about a really nasty cold front that might come through - -42 normal temps! (without the wind!) I HOPE that doesn't happend!! ouch!
