11 November 2010

50th Day of School!

Despite not having a voice for the past 2 days, we had a great 50th day of school yesterday! The children came dressed in their 50s attire ready to Rock and Roll!!

We started the day making 50s records - not all of them knew what a record was but they had fun making them!

We played race to 50 and had a bubble gum blowing contest.

We practiced making tallies to 50 and writing numbers to 50.

And of course some patterning 50s style.
Zero the Hero books:
Self-portraits on the 50th day:
We watched a You-Tube video on how kids danced in the 50s and had our own sock hop! Then we ended the day with root beer floats! The kids sure had a blast!!  But, I was one tired teacher!! :)


  1. Kathleen, Love your 50's ideas!!! love the zero the hero book too. On our 50's day we used the records to make a big book/class book. I also made a then and now sort. I will share with you if you'd like. It's the least I can do. Not as fancy as your stuff though :) Christy

  2. Our school celebrates with Zero the Hero!! I LOVE you ideas about the 50th day!! We will have to do that next year...Can I learn more about your Zero the Hero book!! It looks WONDERFUL!!

    THanks for sharing fantastic ideas!!
    Sarah Hetrick

  3. I am looking forward to incorporating these great ideas for the 50th day. Love the idea of a sock hop and having root beer floats. Our 50th day also falls on the day of our Halloween parade. Should be quite an exhausting and fun day!
