20 October 2010

Sight Words

Today I visited my good friend, Miss Jensen, in her wonderfully warm and welcoming kindergarten room! It's always exciting to visit someone else's room, don't you think?  I always walk away with great ideas!

When she introduces new sight words, she uses these two small magnetic white boards with the larger magnetic letters that are available from Lakeshore Learning.  She shows the children how to build the sight words, and throughout the week, she asks children to "mix and fix" the sight words.  The children are so proud coming up and showing their friends what they know!

 She also has the children write the sight words that they are working on on this paper to bring home to show their parents.  What a great idea! The families can hang the paper on the fridge, door, mirror, etc. and children can be reminded to practice them daily!
Thanks for the great ideas, Miss Jensen!! :)


  1. It's always great having you pop by! I wish we could do it more often! You have so many great ideas to share. Keep up the great blogging!
    p.s. Thanks for blogging about me...makes me feel so special! :)

  2. I really like this idea for sight words! I made word rings for our sight words out of formica samples that I found at Habitat for Humanity. They are very sturdy and should hold up to Kindergarten! The kids are enjoying using them and their sight word literacy has grown leaps and bounds. Thank you for listing my 50's Day post! I am enjoying your site!

  3. Fantastic blog! Love it! Thanks for all of your hard work.

  4. I absolutely love the "mix and fix" idea. I haven't tried that yet but I have tried the Sight Word for the Week. The kids make it known when they have (or haven't) put the words on their fridge! Thanks so much for the awesome ideas!

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